Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 18085 changes in 2 peals and 6 quarter peals

OXFORD, Lincoln College, Oxon
Sun 3rd September 2017 in 2h39 (7-2-4)
5152 Superlative Surprise Major
Comp. D L Thomas (No. 111)

1 Simon A Bond
2 Stuart F Gibson
3 Michael A Williams
4 Alan M Eyles
5 Rosanna Cretney
6 Timothy G Pett
7 Isaac J O'Shea
8 David L Thomas (C)

First in method: 5, 7 and as conductor. Circled the tower: 1.

WESTMINSTER, S Clement Danes, Gr London
Sat 26th October 2019 in 3h2 (21-1-23)
5080 Whistler Delight Royal
Comp. D L Thomas (No. 341)

1 Andrew M Alford
2 Thomas R Sherwood
3 William Stafford
4 Timothy G Pett
5 Matthew W Thewsey
6 Cameron A Waters
7 David L Thomas (C)
8 Simon A Bond
9 Jimmy L Yeoman
10 Luke G Groom

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 23rd February 2020 in 47 mins (20cwt)
1282 Woodspring Surprise Royal

1 Ben White-Horne
2 David L Thomas (C)
3 Claire L Pearson
4 Cameron White-Spunner
5 Simon A Bond
6 Rachel Croft
7 Adam D Rebick
8 Craig M Robertson
9 Alan M Eyles
10 Jonathan C Mills

First in method: 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 15th March 2020 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1347 Stedman Cinques

1 Simon A Bond
2 Michele Winter
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Dorothy G Hall
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Cameron White-Spunner
7 David L Thomas (C)
8 David S Phillips
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Bernard J Stone

First of Stedman Cinques as conductor. Rung as a farewell compliment to David Phillips, leaving for Canada.

Sat 6th February 2021 in 38 mins
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Craig M Robertson
5-6 David L Thomas (C)
7-8 Adam D Rebick

200th of Major: 1-2. Rung on OUS Dinner Day.

Sun 7th February 2021 in 57 mins
1320 Little Bob Maximus

1-2 Craig M Robertson
3-4 Adam D Rebick
5-6 David L Thomas (C)
7-8 Simon A Bond
9-10 Ben White-Horne
11-12 Michele Winter

First on 12: 9-10. First on 12 in hand: 3-4. Rung for OUS Dinner Weekend.

OXFORD, Lincoln College, Oxon
Wed 8th September 2021 in 41 mins (7-2-4)
1344 Spliced Surprise Major (7m)
288 Cornwall; 192 Cambridge, Lessness, London, Superlative, Yorkshire; 96 Bristol; 38 com.

1 David L Thomas (C)
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Dorothy G Hall
4 Craig M Robertson
5 Katherine A Stonham
6 Jonathan Cresshull
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 7th February 2022 in 42 mins (11-2-6)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major

1 Cameron White-Spunner
2 Claire L Pearson
3 David L Thomas (C)
4 Jonathan C Mills
5 Josie M Godfrey
6 Alan M Eyles
7 Craig M Robertson
8 Simon A Bond

First in method: 5.

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