Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 86925 changes in 4 peals and 51 quarter peals

MILTON, S Blaise, Oxon
Sun 7th May 2006 in 2h44 (6-3-26)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
896 Rutland; 704 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 640 Cambridge; 576 London, Pudsey, Superlative; 448 Bristol; 87 com, atw.
Comp. P G K Davies

1 Simon A Bond
2 Caroline H Lee
3 Julie A Haseldine
4 Marika Pascovitch
5 Andrew Haseldine
6 James A Haseldine
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First spliced: 2, 7 & 8. Rung as a birthday compliment to John Farnsworth, grandfather of tenor ringer.

OXFORD, Headington, S Andrew, Oxon
Sun 7th May 2006 in 41 mins (7-3-0)
1280 Rutland Surprise Major

1 Julie A Haseldine
2 Jennifer C E Lane
3 Simon A Bond
4 James A Haseldine
5 Catherine M A Lane
6 Marika Pascovitch
7 James C Marchbank
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First blows in m: 2.

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 28th May 2006 in 39 mins (11-1-12)
1320 Nailsea Surprise Minor

1 Simon A Bond
2 Nicholas J Hartley
3 Marika Pascovitch
4 Graham Drabble
5 James A Haseldine
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First in method for all. Rung for evensong as a birthday compliment to Caroline Lee.

OXFORD, Headington, S Andrew, Oxon
Sat 3rd June 2006 in 44 mins (7-3-0)
1280 Belfast Surprise Major

1 Simon A Bond
2 Claire L Thomson
3 Marika Pascovitch
4 Julie A Haseldine
5 Andrew Haseldine
6 James A Haseldine
7 Mark A Bell
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

1st blows in m: 2. 1st in m: 8.

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 4th June 2006 in 41 mins (11-1-12)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor

1 Simon L Edwards
2 Catherine M A Lane
3 Nicholas J Hartley
4 Simon A Bond
5 N David Lane
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

APPLETON, Workshop Campanile (The Balscote Ring), Oxon
Sat 10th June 2006 in 41 mins (0-2-14)
1344 London Surprise Major

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Michael A Williams
3 James A Haseldine
4 Henry D Coggill
5 Marika Pascovitch
6 Simon A Bond
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Oliver T Lomax

First on small bells: 6. Rung on the White eight.

LUNDY ISLAND, Hanmers, Bristol Channel
Fri 29th September 2006 in 31 mins (12 in F)
1260 Plain Bob Minor

1-2 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
3-4 Matthew D Dawson
5-6 Simon A Bond

First in hand as C. First on an inside pair: 5-6. Rung as a get well compliment to Ian Cresshull.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Fri 29th September 2006 in 43 mins (13-1-18)
1280 Belfast Surprise Major

1 Jennifer C E Lane
2 Marika Pascovitch
3 Hugh J W Wilkinson
4 Simon A Bond
5 James C Marchbank
6 Matthew D Dawson
7 James A Haseldine
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First blows in method: 4. First in method: 3, 5, & 6.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Sun 1st October 2006 in 31 mins (5-1-19)
1260 Plain Bob Minor

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Nicholas J Balderson
3 Simon A Bond
4 Alexander J Dicks
5 James C Marchbank
6 Matthew D Dawson

First outside the Oxford ringroad: 4.

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 7th January 2007 in 42 mins (11-1-12)
1296 Bourne Surprise Minor

1 Sarah D Franklin
2 Catherine M A Lane
3 Simon A Bond
4 Michael A Williams
5 N David Lane
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First blows in method: 3. Rung as a birthday compliment to Nick Hartley, bourne 19 years ago tomorrow.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Wed 5th December 2007 in 43 mins (13-1-18)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (5m)
480 Rutland; 360 Superlative; 180 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 40 com.

1 Luke O Camden
2 Alexander T G Pym
3 Michael A Williams
4 Clare E F Dyer
5 Robert Caton
6 Clive Holloway
7 Simon A Bond
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First of spliced: 4.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 24th April 2008 in 55 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michael A Williams
4 Simon A Bond
5 James C Marchbank
6 Luke O Camden
7 Giles M Hudson
8 Simon L Edwards
9 David K Barrington
10 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
11 Clive Holloway
12 Mark A Bell

First on 12 : 6. First Maximus on an inside bell : 7.

ABINGDON, S Helen, Oxon
Sun 25th May 2008 in 49 mins (16-0-0)
1280 Plain Bob Major

1 Simon L Edwards
2 Robert S Wallis
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Christopher J Backhouse
5 Hugh J W Wilkinson
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
8 Luke O Camden

Rung to celebrate the safe return and unexpected marriage of Martin the Pig.

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 31st May 2009 in 36 mins (11-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Doubles

1 Lucy M Bricheno
2 Simon A Bond
3 Michael A Williams
4 Alexander J Dicks
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Luke O Camden

Before Evening service. To mark the 50th anniversary of the rededication of the bells on 12th June 1959.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 3rd November 2009 in 41 mins (7-1-12)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major

1 David E Giles
2 Kirsty K Monk
3 Simon A Bond
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Robert S Wallis
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First on 8: 1. First in method: 2.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Sun 24th January 2010 in 43 mins (13-1-18)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
160 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 39 com.

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Ann Evans
4 D Robert C Sworder
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Luke O Camden
7 Simon A Bond
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 4th July 2010 in 39 mins (11-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Doubles

1 Helen V Matthews
2 Catherine M A Lane
3 Christopher I Griggs
4 Stephen M Everett
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Simon A Bond

First quarter peal : 1. Circled the tower: 6. Rung for evensong.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Wed 1st September 2010 in 47 mins (7-1-12)
1331 Grandsire Caters

1 Simon A Bond
2 Christopher I Griggs
3 Robert S Wallis
4 Christopher J Backhouse
5 Kirsty K Monk
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 James W A Dyer
8 Richard J Verrall
9 Bernard J Stone
10 Katy A Routh

First on ten: 10 Circled the tower to quarter peals: 1 A birthday compliment to the conductor.

WHEATLEY, S Mary, Oxon
Fri 10th June 2011 in 46 mins (9-3-10)
1320 Norwich Surprise Minor

1 Paul C Lucas
2 Catherine M A Lane
3 Marika Haseldine
4 James A Haseldine
5 Simon A Bond
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

A birthday compliment to Katie Lane.

OXFORD, Lincoln College, Oxon
Fri 13th January 2012 in 39 mins (7-2-4)
1260 Stedman Triples

1 Stuart T Nelson
2 Claire L Bell
3 Simon A Bond
4 Mark A Bell
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Michael A Williams
7 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
8 Michael O'Hagan

With the Society's best wishes to Martin Cansdale and Becky Sugden on the day before their wedding.

OXFORD, S Aldate, Oxon
Sun 1st April 2012 in 43 mins (11-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles

1 Caroline M Taylor
2 Simon A Bond
3 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
4 Catherine M A Lane
5 Katherine A Stonham
6 Mark D Tarrant

First quarter: 1.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 14th April 2013 in 39 mins (11-2-6)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles

1 Constance A Young
2 Simon A Bond
3 Dorothy G Hall
4 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Samuel Press

First quarter peal: 1.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 2nd June 2013 in 42 mins (11-2-6)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor

1 Katherine A Stonham
2 Helen V Matthews
3 Dorothy G Hall
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Simon A Bond

First Surprise: 2.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 22nd September 2013 in 35 mins (3-3-9)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Simon A Bond
3 Christopher I Griggs
4 Adam D Rebick
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Katherine A Stonham

First quarter peal: 4 Rung as a farewell compliment to Adam Rebick, with best wishes for his degree course at Durham University.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 6th October 2013 in 41 mins (11-2-6)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
160 each Pudsey, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, Cambridge, London, Superlative, Rutland, Bristol; 39 com.

1 Katherine A Stonham
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Catherine M A Lane
4 Dorothy G Hall
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Nicholas J Hartley
7 Simon A Bond
8 Leon G Thompson

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 20th October 2013 in 44 mins (11-2-6)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (12m)
Ipswich, Bourne, Cambridge, York, Durham, Hull, Primrose, Norfolk, Beverley, Berwick, Hexham, Surfleet

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Christopher I Griggs
3 Andrew R Freer
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Simon A Bond

Most methods to a quarter peal: 3.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Wed 4th December 2013 in 42 mins (13-1-18)
1320 Surprise Minor (3m)
Beverley, Cambridge, Surfleet

1 David E Giles
2 Helen V Matthews
3 Timothy R Forster
4 Simon A Bond
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Benjamin D Kipling

Most methods to a quarter peal: 2. In memory of the Millcombe House shrew.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Wed 4th December 2013 in 43 mins (13-1-18)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
160 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 39 com

1 Sarah A Taylor
2 Simon A Bond
3 Jonathan R Slack
4 Timothy R Forster
5 Christopher P Giddins
6 Luke O Camden
7 Benjamin D Kipling
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First of 8-spliced: 5. 50th on the bells: 2.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Thu 5th December 2013 in 2h46 (13-1-18)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Comp. B D Constant

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Hannah L Wilby
3 Katie E M Lane
4 Timothy R Forster
5 Christopher P Giddins
6 Simon D Roberts
7 Edward N Hughes-D'Aeth
8 Jonathan R Slack
9 Benjamin D Kipling
10 Simon A Bond

In memory of Greta Mary Wilby (1920-2013) - grandmother of the 2nd.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 30th March 2014 in 41 mins (11-2-6)
1296 London Surprise Minor

1 Emma Stanford
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Matthew S Malek
4 Samuel Press
5 Simon A Bond
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)

First in method: 3.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 26th October 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Michael A Williams
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 John G Pusey
10 Simon A Bond
11 Christopher I Griggs
12 Mark D Tarrant

First of Maximus: 6. 50th together: 10 & 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 9th November 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1323 Stedman Cinques

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Michele Winter
3 John G Pusey
4 Stuart F Gibson
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Courtney J Spoerer
7 Simon A Bond
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 David K Barrington
10 Leon G Thompson
11 Bernard J Stone
12 Mark D Tarrant

Half-muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th October 2015 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Michael A Williams
4 Robin O Hall
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Ryan Mills
11 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First in method: 5.

OXFORD, Lincoln College, Oxon
Tue 5th January 2016 in 2h36 (7-2-4)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
896 Rutland; 704 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire; 640 Cambridge; 576 London, Pudsey, Superlative; 448 Bristol; 87 com, atw.
Comp. P G K Davies

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Emma Stanford
4 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
5 Joanna E Knight
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Michael A Williams
8 Simon A Bond

First peal of spliced: 3 A birthday compliment to Katherine Stonham.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th January 2016 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Michael A Williams
5 Harriet J M A Armitage
6 S L Catrin Morgan
7 Ryan Mills
8 Matthew R Johnson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Stuart F Gibson
11 Leon G Thompson
12 Simon A Bond

First of Maximus: 5 & 8. To celebrate the success of Big Michael's Super-Duper Quarter Peal Day II.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Fri 29th January 2016 in 39 mins (11-2-6)
1260 Plain Bob Minor

1 Constance A Y Tarrant
2 Clare E F Dyer
3 Rosanna Cretney
4 Simon A Bond
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Mark D Tarrant

First quarter peal: 3. First with this surname: 1.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 3rd December 2016 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Stedman Triples

1 Harriet J M A Armitage
2 Simon A Bond
3 Emma Stanford
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Isobel L Fray
6 John G Pusey
7 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
8 Joanna E Knight

Rung to celebrate the life of John Camp.

OXFORD, Merton College, Oxon
Sun 12th November 2017 in 56 mins (25-1-10)
1296 Stedman Triples

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond
4 Joanna E Knight
5 Michael A Williams
6 Robin O Hall
7 Stephen M Jones
8 Bernard J Stone

Rung half-muffled immediately following the College’s Act of Remembrance. Circled tower: 3

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Fri 24th November 2017 in 52 mins (11-2-6)
1512 Cambrai Alliance Major

1 Katherine A Stonham
2 Michael A Williams
3 Patricia J Cresshull
4 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Ian D Cresshull
7 Robin O Hall
8 Simon A Bond

In memory of Private Harold Frank Cresshull, Tank Corps, who was killed on 23rd November 1917, aged 18, at the Battle of Cambrai. Cambrai Alliance Major: -38-14-18-12-18-3456-78,12

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th March 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 David A Jackson
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Michael A Williams
7 Alan M Eyles
8 David S Phillips
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Michael O'Hagan
12 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 20th May 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron A Waters
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Megan A Bardsley
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Matthew A Child
8 Oliver P Bardsley
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Robin O Hall

Got wood: 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th June 2018 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Joanna E Knight
2 Robin O Hall
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Charlotte Everett
5 David S Phillips
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Isobel L Fray
8 Simon L Edwards
9 Richard H Youdale
10 Alan M Eyles
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Simon A Bond

First in method: 7.

OXFORD, Merton College, Oxon
Fri 3rd August 2018 in 52 mins (25-1-10)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major

1 Joanna E Knight
2 Katherine A Stonham
3 Emma Stanford
4 Alan M Eyles
5 David A Jackson
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Mark D Tarrant
8 Simon A Bond

With the Society’s best wishes to Leah Stead and Jack Collins, to be married in this chapel tomorrow.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th August 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 David A Jackson
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Alan M Eyles
6 David S Phillips
7 Joanna E Knight
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Simon A Bond
11 Colin G Newman
12 Robin O Hall

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 2nd September 2018 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Michele Winter
2 Sophie L Martin
3 David A Jackson
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Alan M Eyles
6 David L Thomas
7 Craig M Robertson
8 Emma Stanford
9 David S Phillips
10 Joanna E Knight
11 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First of Maximus: 7. First of Surprise Maximus: 2. Rung to celebrate the installation of the new Succentor, the Reverend Philippa White.

OXFORD, Merton College, Oxon
Sun 11th November 2018 in 54 mins (25-1-10)
1296 Stedman Triples

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Stuart F Gibson
3 Simon A Bond
4 Michael A Williams
5 David K Barrington
6 Robin O Hall
7 Mark D Tarrant
8 Bernard J Stone

Rung half-muffled immediately following the College’s Act of Remembrance.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th November 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron White-Spunner
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Craig M Robertson
9 David A Jackson
10 Michael A Williams
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Joanna E Knight

A compliment to William “Bill” Lewis, a custodian at Christ Church for many years, on his retirement.

CUDDINGTON, S Nicholas, Bucks
Sat 9th March 2019 in 40 mins (9-2-3)
1270 Stedman Triples

1 Robert H Newton
2 Katherine A Stonham
3 Patricia M Newton
4 Christine C Darby
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Simon A Bond
7 Adam D Rebick
8 Bernard J Stone

A numerically appropriate compliment to Jeremy Pratt for his upcoming birthday.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 16th June 2019 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Robin O Hall
3 J Chapman Knott
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Dorothy G Hall
6 Helen V Bond
7 Craig M Robertson
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 Emma Stanford
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Simon A Bond
12 Joanna E Knight

50th quarter peal and first in method: 6 In anticipation of the wedding of Richard Puckey and Caroline Barton, sister of Dorothy Hall.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sun 1st September 2019 in 34 mins (3-1-14)
1260 Grandsire Doubles

1 Michael A Williams
2 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
3 Simon A Bond
4 Ian D Cresshull
5 Joanna E Knight
6 Patricia J Cresshull

A 40th birthday folly for the conductor.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 6th September 2021 in 44 mins (11-2-6)
1280 Yorkshire Surprise Royal

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Simon A Bond
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 David C Ockwell
7 David L Thomas
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Robin O Hall

OXFORD, Magdalen College, Oxon
Wed 2nd November 2022 in 55 mins (17-1-7)
1287 Stedman Caters

1 Michele Winter
2 Robin O Hall
3 Simon L Edwards
4 Joanna E Cresshull
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 David C Ockwell
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Simon A Bond
9 Janet E Archibald
10 Christopher I Griggs

Rung half-muffled following a Requiem Mass for All Souls' Day in the College Chapel.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 24th August 2023 in 52 mins (31-0-23)
1299 Stedman Cinques

1 Alan M Eyles
2 Michele Winter
3 David L Thomas
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Joanna E Cresshull
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
8 Dorothy G Hall
9 Jonathan C Mills
10 Hazel M Rothera
11 Robin O Hall
12 Sara Jones

In memory of James Dyer, sometime member of the Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Singers, and Jim Godfrey, verger 1988-2023. Circled the tower: 1, 5 Smallest person, biggest job, first on twelve: 12

OXFORD, Magdalen College, Oxon
Sat 23rd December 2023 in 3h18 (17-1-7)
5005 Stedman Caters
Comp. R O Hall

1 Alan M Eyles
2 David L Thomas
3 Michele Winter
4 Robin O Hall
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Peter W Spain
7 Colin M Lee
8 David C Ockwell
9 Simon A Bond
10 Stuart F Gibson

Circled the tower: 1. First of Stedman: 6 and as conductor. For Christmas.

LUNDY ISLAND, S Helen, Devon
Wed 29th May 2024 in 43 mins (13-1-18)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major

1 Sarah J Ockwell
2 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
3 Alan M Eyles
4 John G Pusey
5 Katherine A Stonham
6 John P W Taylor
7 David C Ockwell
8 Simon A Bond

In anticipation of a smooth sailing back to the mainland by a band who should have left the island yesterday.

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