Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 2575 changes in 0 peals and 2 quarter peals

OXFORD, S Giles, Oxon
Sat 19th January 2013 in 45 mins (14-0-1)
1293 Stedman Triples

1 Michele Winter
2 Michael A Williams
3 John G Pusey
4 Andrew R Freer
5 Simon A Bond
6 Leon G Thompson (C)
7 Robin O Hall
8 Andrew Dunn

Rung open in celebration of the life of Conaire Lee of Newcastle-under-Lyme. Requiescat in pace.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 4th January 2014 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Major

1 Leon G Thompson (C)
2 Helen V Matthews
3 Ryan Mills
4 Nicholas J Hartley
5 Edmund H Mottershead
6 Samuel Press
7 Simon A Bond
8 Michael A Williams

First of Surprise Major: 2. Rung by a Lincoln College practice night band.

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