Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 20232 changes in 4 peals and 0 quarter peals

TEWKESBURY, Abbey Ch of S Mary V, Glos
Sat 24th October 2009 in 3h30 (27-0-5)
5006 Stedman Cinques
Comp. M R Eccleston

1 Victoria J M Wilby
2 Mark R Eccleston (C)
3 Ian P Hill
4 William T Bosworth
5 Simon A Bond
6 James C Marchbank
7 R Mark Esbester
8 Eleanor J Linford
9 Mark A Humphreys
10 Anthony M Daw
11 Robin O Hall
12 Gordon R Birks

BIRMINGHAM, Cath Ch of S Philip, W Mids
Mon 21st November 2011 in 3h27 (31-0-21)
5090 Orion Surprise Maximus
Comp. A G Reading

1 Richard B Grimmett
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Louis P H Suggett
4 Alan G Reading (C)
5 Thomas W Griffiths
6 Simon A Bond
7 Paul McNutt
8 Paul E Bibilo
9 Gordon R Birks
10 Anthony M Daw
11 Paul Needham
12 Frederick Shallcross

First peal in the method: 3 & 6.

BIRMINGHAM, S Martin, W Mids
Tue 23rd July 2013 in 3h33 (39-1-19)
5096 Aerilon Surprise Fourteen
Comp. J S Warboys

1 Paul E Bibilo
2 Susan J Healy
3 Paul Needham
4 William T Bosworth
5 Simon A Bond
6 Jonathan H Potter
7 Simon J L Linford (C)
8 John H Fielden
9 Alban D Forster
10 Paul J Tiebout
11 Alan G Reading
12 Anthony M Daw
13 John S Warboys
14 Michael P A Wilby

Dedicated to HRH the Prince of Cambridge. 100th peal on the bells: 13.

BIRMINGHAM, S Martin, W Mids
Sat 28th December 2013 in 3h40 (39-1-19)
5040 Spliced Surprise Fourteen (2m)
4704 Bristol, 336 Agathon; 12 com
Comp. J S Warboys

1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 John N Hughes-D'Aeth
4 Edward N Hughes-D'Aeth
5 Simon A Bond
6 Anthony M Daw
7 Robin O Hall
8 Gordon R Birks
9 Alan G Reading
10 Paul J Tiebout
11 Andrew B Mills
12 Simon J L Linford (C)
13 Michael P A Wilby
14 John S Warboys

With the band's best wishes to Paul Carless for a speedy recovery. Agathon S. Fourteen x5Bx14.5Bx5B.36.14x7B.58.16x9B.70.18xEB.9T.1270x10.EBx10xAB LE 1B

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