Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 127770 changes in 2 peals and 90 quarter peals

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 10th November 2009 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Plain Bob Major

1 Kirsty K Monk
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Siân J Haseldine
4 Robert S Wallis
5 Christopher J Backhouse
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Simon A Bond
8 Stephen J D Dann (C)

First of Major: 2. First of Major as conductor. 50th together: 6 and 7.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 1st December 2009 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1259 Grandsire Caters

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Kirsty K Monk
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Maarit Kivilo
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Christopher J Backhouse
9 Michael A Williams
10 Timothy Hele

With thanks to the outgoing OUS committee and wishing the incoming one a fruitful year in office. First on 10: 1 & 10.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 16th February 2010 in 36 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Minor

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 David E Giles
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Christopher J Backhouse
6 Robert S Wallis

On the 100th anniversary of the death of Rev. F E Robinson, first master of the Oxford Diocesan Guild. A get well compliment to Bob's hand and Michael Williams' shoulder.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 9th March 2010 in 44 mins (7-1-12)
1302 Grandsire Triples

1 Christopher I Griggs
2 Robert S Wallis (C)
3 David E Giles
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Christopher J Backhouse
7 Simon A Bond
8 Kirsty K Monk

1st of Grandsire: 3. 50th of Grandsire: 7.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 27th April 2010 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Triples

1 Kirsty K Monk
2 Robert S Wallis
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Timothy Hele
6 Christopher J Backhouse (C)
7 Simon A Bond
8 David E Giles

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 11th May 2010 in 41 mins (7-1-12)
1282 Lincolnshire Surprise Major

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Christopher I Griggs
3 Claire L Bell
4 Kirsty K Monk
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Robert S Wallis
8 Michael O'Hagan

First in method: 4. Marking the end of the tenor ringer's DPhil.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 17th May 2010 in 41 mins (11-2-6)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor

1 Kirsty K Monk
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Robert S Wallis
5 Christopher I Griggs (C)
6 Simon A Bond

First of Surprise: 2. To welcome the ringer of the 3rd's new mouse.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 15th June 2010 in 41 mins (7-1-12)
1320 Kent Treble Bob Minor

1 Claire L Bell
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 David E Giles
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Michael O'Hagan

First in method: 2 & 3. Congratulating Kirsty Monk, David Giles and Michael O'Hagan on completing their undergraduate studies in Oxford.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 12th October 2010 in 40 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Christopher J Backhouse
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Simon D Roberts
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Robert S Wallis
8 Michael O'Hagan

Rung before the first practice of the academic year to welcome those ringers joining the OUS this year. First Surprise Major: 2.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 14th November 2010 in 42 mins (11-2-6)
1299 Grandsire Doubles

1 Sean Whitton
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Kirsty K Monk
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Stephen J D Dann
6 Jessica Pumphrey

Half muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 23rd November 2010 in 37 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Doubles (11m)
1 extent each Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place, St Nicholas Bob, Winchendon Place, St Remigius Bob, Huntley Place, Plain Bob, St Simon's Bob, St Martin's Bob, St Osmund Bob, Eynesbury Bob; 60 Grandsire

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Christopher J Backhouse
3 Simon D Roberts
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Hannah Guggiari

Most methods: 2, 3, 4 & 5. First as tenor lady.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 30th November 2010 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1277 Grandsire Caters

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Michael A Williams
3 Christopher J Backhouse
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Simon D Roberts
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Robert S Wallis
10 Kirsty K Monk

First on 10 inside: 5. 50th together: 4 & 6. First by fairylight for all except 2 & 6. With thanks to the outgoing OUS committee and wishing the incoming one a fruitful year in office. The conductor would like to associate Robin Hall with courses six and seven of this performance.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 18th January 2011 in 37 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Spliced Minor (3m)
720 Cambridge Surprise, 324 Plain Bob, 216 Little Bob; 36 com; atw.

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Robert S Wallis
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Simon D Roberts
6 Christopher J Backhouse

First Spliced: 2.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 1st February 2011 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Plain Bob Minor

1 Simon D Roberts
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Canna H Whyte
4 Simon A Bond
5 Ben Benfold
6 Christopher J Backhouse (C)

1st in method: 5. 1st for the society: 3. 22nd birthday compliment to Bob Wallis. 1st birthday compliment to Ollie Snow.

OXFORD, Carfax Tower, Oxon
Fri 4th February 2011 in 43 mins (15-0-22)
1260 Double Oxford Bob Minor

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Simon D Roberts
3 Stephen J D Dann
4 Christopher J Backhouse
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Robert S Wallis

First in method: 2. Marking the start of OUS Dinner weekend.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 8th February 2011 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1320 Woodfine Treble Place Minor

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Simon D Roberts
3 Stephen J D Dann
4 Christopher J Backhouse
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Robert S Wallis

A compliment to David Woodfine of Harris Manchester College after the successful execution of yet another OUS dinner. Woodfine Treble Place Minor: -34-14-16-1236-16-36 le12

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 31st May 2011 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major

1 Canna H Whyte
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Heather C Banyard
4 Simon D Roberts
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Robert S Wallis

First in method: 3 & 6.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 26th June 2011 in 40 mins (11-2-6)
1299 Doubles (5m)
2 extents each Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place, St Martin's Bob, St Simon's Bob, Grandsire, Plain Bob; 99 Grandsire

1 Emma Stanford
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Simon D Roberts
6 Edmund H Mottershead

First quarter: 6. First away from cover: 1. A birthday compliment to Douglas Stanford, brother of 1. Also an engagement compliment to 1 & 5.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 13th November 2011 in 51 mins (20cwt)
1277 Grandsire Caters

1 Claire L Bell
2 Katherine A Stonham
3 Jonathan Cresshull
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Mark A Bell
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Michael A Williams
10 Michael O'Hagan

Half muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 22nd November 2011 in 44 mins (7-1-12)
1344 Stedman Triples

1 Simon A Bond
2 Rosalind F Roberts
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Stephen J D Dann
6 Andrew R Freer
7 Mark D Tarrant (C)
8 Wilfred J M Lewis

First Stedman Triples: 2 & 4.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 31st January 2012 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Cambridge Surprise Major

1 Kirsty K Monk
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Andrew R Freer
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Rosalind F Roberts
6 Alice A Longden
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Mark D Tarrant

First Surprise Major: 3 & 5.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 7th May 2012 in 44 mins (11-2-6)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (6m)
Bourne, Cambridge, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose

1 Stephen J D Dann
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Mark D Tarrant

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 15th May 2012 in 41 mins (7-1-12)
1299 Stedman Triples

1 Simon A Bond
2 Rosalind F Roberts
3 Andrew R Freer
4 Kirsty K Monk
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Mark D Tarrant (C)
8 Wilfred J M Lewis

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 21st May 2012 in 41 mins (11-2-6)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major

1 Andrew R Freer
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Dorothy G Hall
5 Stephen J D Dann
6 John G Pusey
7 Michael A Williams
8 Michael O'Hagan

First in method: 2. In celebration of the life of Stephen Nicholson, member of this Society.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 11th November 2012 in 52 mins (20cwt)
1277 Grandsire Caters

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Katherine A Stonham
3 Michael A Williams
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Stephen J D Dann
6 Peter M Jasper
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 Robert S Wallis
10 Mark D Tarrant

Half-muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 3rd December 2012 in 40 mins (11-2-6)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (12m)
Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose, Surfleet, York

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Courtney J Spoerer
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Mark D Tarrant

Most methods: 2, 4 & 6.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Thu 28th February 2013 in 42 mins (11-2-6)
1295 Grandsire Caters

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Henry V Bettinson
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Lorna Curtis
7 John G Pusey
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Michael O'Hagan
10 Bernard J Stone

The annual commemoration of benefactors of this tower.

OXFORD, Cowley, S James, Oxon
Sat 2nd March 2013 in 37 mins (5-3-3)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (4m)
Lincoln, Coldstream, London, Wells

1 S L Catrin Morgan
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Courtney J Spoerer
6 Peter M Jasper

First in some of these methods for some of the band. On OUSCR quarter peal day.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 5th March 2013 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Doubles (4m)
3 extents each Plain Bob, St Simon's Bob; 2 extents St Martin's Bob; 2½ extents Grandsire.

1 Rachel E Prior
2 S L Catrin Morgan
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Edmund H Mottershead

First away from cover: 1. Celebrating the arrival of Spring and associated appearance of Edmund's short trousers.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 16th April 2013 in 38 mins (7-1-12)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (3m)
Beverley, Cambridge, Surfleet

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 S L Catrin Morgan
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Nicholas J Hartley

A compliment to Bob Wallis and Kirsty Monk, now engaged to be spliced.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 23rd April 2013 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (5m)
Cunecastre, London, Wells; Coldstream, Lincoln

1 Andrew R Freer
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Peter M Jasper
6 Mark D Tarrant

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 18th May 2013 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1295 Grandsire Caters

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Michael A Williams
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Rosalind F Roberts
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Helen V Matthews

First on 10: 10. 100th quarter: 7. 100th on the bells and circled the tower as conductor: 1.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 15th June 2013 in 2h36 (7-1-12)
5120 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
896 Rutland, 704 Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, 640 Cambridge, 576 London, Pudsey, Superlative, 448 Bristol; 87 com; all the work
Comp. P G K Davies

1 Rosalind F Roberts
2 Mark A Bell
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Michael A Williams
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Michael O'Hagan

First Peal: 1 & 3. First on tower bells: 4. Most methods: 6.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 7th December 2013 in 47 mins (11-2-6)
1301 Stedman Caters

1 Jeremy R Pratt (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Edmund H Mottershead
6 Michael O'Hagan
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 Ryan Mills
10 Matthew R Johnson

1st of Stedman Caters: 2, 4, 5, 7 & 10. The band wishes to associate Nick Hartley with this quarter, without whose absence the ringing room would have been overcrowded.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 28th January 2014 in 40 mins (7-1-12)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (4m)
Cambridge, Ipswich, Norfolk, Primrose

1 Emma Stanford
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Robert J Hornby
6 Courtney J Spoerer

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 25th February 2014 in 45 mins (7-1-12)
1344 Plain Bob Major

1 Isobel L Fray
2 Simon A Bond
3 S L Catrin Morgan
4 Frederick R W M Manners
5 Emma Stanford
6 Matthew R Johnson
7 Hannah Guggiari
8 Courtney J Spoerer (C)

First on eight: 1. First of Major: 5. 50th Quarter: 6.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 18th March 2014 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1270 Spliced Caters (2m)
100 Little Grandsire, 1170 Grandsire; 1 com

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Michael A Williams
3 Robin O Hall
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Rosalind F Roberts
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Courtney J Spoerer

Part of the conductor's 27th birthday celebrations.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 17th May 2014 in 43 mins (11-2-6)
1283 Erin Caters

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Courtney J Spoerer
3 Matthew R Johnson
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Wilfred J M Lewis
6 Frederick R W M Manners
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Robert J Hornby
9 Nicholas J Hartley
10 Emma Stanford

First Erin for all except 7 and as conductor. First of Caters: 8. 100th on the bells: 7. A compliment to Duncan McBurnie and Katy Idle on the day of their wedding, with the band's apologies for their absence.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 27th May 2014 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Triples

1 Simon A Bond
2 Robert J Hornby
3 Frederick R W M Manners
4 Hannah Guggiari (C)
5 Emma Stanford
6 Ryan Mills
7 S L Catrin Morgan
8 Rosalind F Roberts

First as conductor on 8. First as tenor lady. First of Grandsire Triples: 5.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 17th June 2014 in 45 mins (7-1-12)
1344 Superlative Surprise Major

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 S L Catrin Morgan
3 Simon A Bond
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Hannah Guggiari (C)
6 Rosalind F Roberts
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Andrew R Freer

First touch of surprise major as conductor. First in method: 6, 8.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 17th August 2014 in 51 mins (20cwt)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Royal

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Simon A Bond
3 Michele Winter
4 Lorna Curtis
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 John G Pusey
7 Katherine A Stonham
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Michael O'Hagan (C)
10 Mark D Tarrant

An engagement compliment to Helen Matthews and Simon Bond.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 26th October 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Michael A Williams
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 John G Pusey
10 Simon A Bond
11 Christopher I Griggs
12 Mark D Tarrant

First of Maximus: 6. 50th together: 10 & 12.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 28th October 2014 in 38 mins (7-1-12)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (3m)
Carlise, Chester, Munden

1 Isobel L Fray
2 Rosalind F Roberts
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Matthew R Johnson (C)
6 Simon A Bond

First of Carlisle over for all except 6.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 9th November 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1323 Stedman Cinques

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Michele Winter
3 John G Pusey
4 Stuart F Gibson
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Courtney J Spoerer
7 Simon A Bond
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 David K Barrington
10 Leon G Thompson
11 Bernard J Stone
12 Mark D Tarrant

Half-muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, Carfax Tower, Oxon
Sun 9th November 2014 in 45 mins (15-0-22)
1269 Doubles (5m)
Reverse Canterbury Pleasure Place, St Simon's Bob, St Martin's Bob, Plain Bob, Grandsire

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Katherine A Stonham

Half-muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 9th November 2014 in 49 mins (20cwt)
1260 Grandsire Caters

1 Katherine A Stonham
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Courtney J Spoerer
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Rosalind F Roberts
6 Robert J Hornby
7 Nicholas J Hartley
8 Matthew R Johnson
9 Simon A Bond (C)
10 Mark D Tarrant

Half-muffled for Remembrance.

OXFORD, S Ebbe, Oxon
Fri 21st November 2014 in 38 mins (4-3-19)
1260 Grandsire Triples

1 Courtney J Spoerer
2 Stephen J Turrell
3 S L Catrin Morgan
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Matthew R Johnson
8 Wilfred J M Lewis

Before a carol service as part of Oxford Christmas Light Festival. 50th together: 1 & 7.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 6th December 2014 in 46 mins (11-2-6)
1295 Grandsire Caters

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Stephen J D Dann
6 Andrew R Freer
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 Matthew R Johnson
10 Courtney J Spoerer

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th December 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael O'Hagan (C)
3 Simon A Bond
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 John G Pusey
9 Nicholas J Hartley
10 Robin O Hall
11 Leon G Thompson
12 Jonathan Cresshull

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 14th December 2014 in 38 mins (11-2-6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (6m)
Allendale, Lightfoot, Rossendale, Stamford, Wearmouth, Westminster.

1 Nicholas J Hartley
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Courtney J Spoerer
6 Simon A Bond (C)

First in some of these methods for some of the band. On the tenth anniversary of the tenor ringer's Oxford interviews. With the band's best wishes to Michael O'Hagan, currently suffering from the lurgy, and with thanks to Nick for stepping in at short notice.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 10th January 2015 in 40 mins (11-2-6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (6m)
Coldstream, Cunecastre, Lincoln, London, Kelso, Wells

1 Emma Stanford
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Mark D Tarrant

50th together: 2 & 4.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 11th January 2015 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1294 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Robin O Hall
4 Stuart F Gibson
5 Simon L Edwards
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Katherine A Stonham
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 David K Barrington
10 Michael O'Hagan
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Mark D Tarrant

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 17th January 2015 in 45 mins (11-2-6)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (9m)
Allendale, Annable's London, Lightfoot, Netherseale, Norwich, Rossendale, Stamford, Wearmouth, Westminster.

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Michael O'Hagan

In memory of Griggs's twenties.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 27th January 2015 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Japanese Delight Major

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Courtney J Spoerer
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Matthew R Johnson
6 Stephen J D Dann
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Nicholas J Hartley

A farewell to the tenor ringer, leaving Oxford to take up a post-doc position in Japan.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 1st February 2015 in 44 mins (11-2-6)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (7m)
Alnwick, Carlisle, Chester, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre

1 Constance A Young
2 Jonathan Cresshull
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Mark D Tarrant

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 16th February 2015 in 39 mins (11-2-6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (11m)
Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Whitley, Wooler

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Simon A Bond (C)

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sun 1st March 2015 in 1h9 (11-2-6)
2160 Spliced Surprise Minor (17m)
Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Wells, Wooler, Whitley

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Dorothy G Hall
3 Rosalind F Roberts
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Michael A Williams
6 Mark D Tarrant

An unwelcome return to solo ringing for the conductor's right hand.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 23rd March 2015 in 42 mins (11-2-6)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (12m)
Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London, Wells; Annable's London, Lightfoot, Netherseale, Rossendale, Stamford, Wearmouth

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Michael A Williams
6 Mark D Tarrant

Special thanks to the ringer of the second for turning up.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Fri 27th March 2015 in 45 mins (7-1-12)
1440 Spliced Surprise Minor (23m)
Alnwick, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester Durham, Hexham, Hull, Ipswich, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Norfolk, Northumberland, Primrose, Sandiacre, Surfleet, Whitley, Wooler

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Dorothy G Hall
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Michael A Williams

Most methods: 3 & 4. After meeting an available ring of bells short at St Thos and with thanks to Mary Mag for stepping in at short notice.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Mon 13th April 2015 in 2h27 (7-1-12)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (41m)
(1-3) Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Coldstream, Cunecastre, Kelso, Lincoln, London, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Whitley, Wells; (4-7) Allendale, Annable's London, Bamborough, Bacup, Berwick, Beverley, Bourne, Cambridge, Durham, Hexham, Ipswich, Hull, Lightfoot, Netherseale, Norfolk, Norwich, Primrose, Rossendale, Stamford, Surfleet, Wooler, York, Warkworth, Wearmouth, Westminster
Comp. J S Warboys (SU0309 & SU0403)

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Michael A Williams
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Richard A Pearce

Most methods: 3, 4 and as conductor. First on six: 3. First of 41 Surprise Minor by the Society. Fewest hands to a peal: 1.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 28th April 2015 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Caters

1 Courtney J Spoerer
2 Matthew R Johnson
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 S L Catrin Morgan
5 Emma Stanford
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Robert J Hornby
9 Rosalind F Roberts
10 Hannah Guggiari

A farewell to Rozzy, leaving Oxford to take up a post-doc position in Montreal. 50th quarter and first inside on 10: 5.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 30th May 2015 in 46 mins (11-2-6)
1313 Grandsire Caters

1 Michael A Williams
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Courtney J Spoerer
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 S L Catrin Morgan
7 J James G Morgan
8 Robert S Wallis
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Katherine A Stonham

A compliment to Constance Young and Mark Tarrant on the morning of their wedding. Circled the tower as conductor.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th June 2015 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1298 Grandsire Cinques

1 Jonathan Cresshull
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Isobel L Fray
6 Emma Stanford
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Wilfred J M Lewis
9 Robert J Hornby
10 Robert S Wallis
11 Christopher I Griggs
12 Courtney J Spoerer

First on twelve: 5 & 6.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 30th June 2015 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1297 Stedman Caters

1 Simon A Bond
2 Michael A Williams
3 Michele Winter
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Jonathan Cresshull
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Christopher I Griggs

Rung before and during Fr Jonathan Jong's first Mass as Celebrant following his ordination at St Nicholas, Marston on June 28th.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 21st July 2015 in 37 mins (7-1-12)
1296 Spliced Surprise Minor (8m)
Bourne, Ipswich; Berwick, Beverley, Cambridge, Hexham, Primrose, Surfleet

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 S L Catrin Morgan
3 Wilfred J M Lewis
4 Emma Stanford
5 Michael O'Hagan (C)
6 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 30th July 2015 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1313 Stedman Cinques

1 Elizabeth C Frye
2 Simon A Bond
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Anne S Pratt
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 S L Catrin Morgan
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Mark A Bell (C)
9 Henry V Bettinson
10 Stuart F Gibson
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Stephen M Jones

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th October 2015 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Michael A Williams
4 Robin O Hall
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Ryan Mills
11 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First in method: 5.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Sat 14th November 2015 in 44 mins (11-2-6)
1280 Spliced Surprise Major (8m)
160 each Bristol, Cambridge, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 39 com.

1 Thomas J Pelham
2 Simon A Bond
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Emma Stanford
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Isobel L Fray
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Courtney J Spoerer

Most Spliced Surprise Major: 4 and 6. First of Spliced Surprise Major as conductor.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 12th January 2016 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1272 Oxford Treble Bob Major

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Isobel L Fray
4 S L Catrin Morgan
5 Frederick R W M Manners
6 Emma Stanford
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Simon A Bond (C)

Celebrating the admission, earlier today, of Prof. Louise Richardson as the 272nd Vice Chancellor of the University of Oxford. First Oxford TB Major: 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 16th January 2016 in 39 mins (7-1-12)
1250 Lincolnshire Surprise Major

1 Anne S Pratt
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Helen V Bond
4 Robert J Hornby
5 S L Catrin Morgan
6 Katherine A Stonham (C)
7 Simon A Bond
8 Courtney J Spoerer

First in method and with this surname: 3. First on eight as conductor.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 16th January 2016 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1259 Grandsire Caters

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Courtney J Spoerer
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Isobel L Fray
6 Helen V Bond
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Robert J Hornby
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Katherine A Stonham

First on 10 inside: 6. 200th quarter: 2. 150th quarter: 3.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 2nd February 2016 in 38 mins (7-1-12)
1250 Pudsey Surprise Major

1 Harriet J M A Armitage
2 Simon A Bond
3 Emma Stanford
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Connie M Tongue
6 Hannah Guggiari (C)
7 Wilfred J M Lewis
8 Matthew R Johnson

First in method: 7.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 7th February 2016 in 50 mins (20cwt)
1296 Grandsire Caters

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Robert J Hornby
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Andrew R Freer
6 Frederick R W M Manners
7 Matthew R Johnson
8 Wilfred J M Lewis
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Katherine A Stonham

50th together: 7 & 8. Circled the tower: 4. Dinner: done.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 1st March 2016 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1312 Lessness Surprise Major

1 Frederick R W M Manners
2 Robert J Hornby
3 Emma Stanford
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond
6 Isobel L Fray
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Ryan Mills

First blows: 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. First in method: 8.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 6th March 2016 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1276 Grandsire Cinques

1 Michele Winter
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Michael A Williams
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Emma Stanford
6 Isobel L Fray
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Hannah Guggiari
9 Matthew R Johnson
10 Leon G Thompson
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Christopher I Griggs

First "just a quarter" of Cinques: 2.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 17th May 2016 in 46 mins (7-1-12)
1344 Spliced Surprise Major (3m)
544 Yorkshire, 416 Lincolnshire and 384 Cambridge; 20 com

1 Emma Stanford
2 Isobel L Fray
3 Helen V Bond
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Simon A Bond
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Matthew R Johnson (C)
8 Robert J Hornby

First spliced major and most spliced: 3.

OXFORD, S Thomas M, Oxon
Mon 6th June 2016 in 43 mins (11-2-6)
1282 Cambridge Surprise Major

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Emma Stanford
3 Wilfred J M Lewis
4 Harriet J M A Armitage
5 Rosalind F Roberts
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Matthew R Johnson
8 Robert J Hornby

A graduation compliment to Rozzy.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 5th July 2016 in 38 mins (7-1-12)
1272 Spliced Surprise Minor (11m)
Alnwick, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chester, Morpeth, Munden, Newcastle, Northumberland, Sandiacre, Whitley, Wooler

1 Rosanna Cretney
2 Jonathan Cresshull
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Dorothy G Hall
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Simon A Bond (C)

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 16th October 2016 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jonathan Cresshull
3 Michele Winter
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 John G Pusey
8 Simon L Edwards
9 Courtney J Spoerer
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Robin O Hall
12 Ryan Mills

First in method: 5.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 22nd November 2016 in 40 mins (7-1-12)
1273 Grandsire Triples

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Wilfred J M Lewis
3 Isobel C Patterson
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Rosanna Cretney
6 Leon G Thompson
7 Emma Stanford
8 Jennifer C Willis

Bomb-proof. First Grandsire Triples: 3. Was resplendent: 7.

OXFORD, Magdalen College, Oxon
Sat 4th February 2017 in 52 mins (17-1-7)
1313 Grandsire Caters

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Jennifer M Herriott
3 Courtney J Spoerer
4 D Robert C Sworder
5 Connie M Tongue
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Lynn S Scales
8 Emma Stanford
9 W Nigel G Herriott
10 Lindsay Powell

On Society Dinner Day.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th May 2017 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1280 Bristol Surprise Royal

1 Clare E F Dyer
2 Michele Winter
3 Ryan Mills
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Mark D Tarrant
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Robin O Hall

First Bristol Royal: 5.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 7th May 2017 in 50 mins (20cwt)
1296 Grandsire Caters

1 Isobel C Patterson
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond (C)
4 Alan M Eyles
5 Jonathan D Wright
6 Craig M Robertson
7 Isobel L Fray
8 Adam D Rebick
9 Ryan Mills
10 David S Phillips

First on 10: 8.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 23rd May 2017 in 43 mins (7-1-12)
1260 Grandsire Caters

1 Isobel L Fray
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 David S Phillips
4 Emma Stanford
5 Craig M Robertson
6 Isobel C Patterson
7 Jonathan D Wright
8 Simon A Bond (C)
9 Rosanna Cretney
10 Rachel Croft

First on 10: 10. First inside on 10: 6.

OXFORD, Merton College, Oxon
Sun 12th November 2017 in 56 mins (25-1-10)
1296 Stedman Triples

1 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Simon A Bond
4 Joanna E Knight
5 Michael A Williams
6 Robin O Hall
7 Stephen M Jones
8 Bernard J Stone

Rung half-muffled immediately following the College’s Act of Remembrance. Circled tower: 3

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 21st January 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Emma Stanford
2 Cameron A Waters
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Christopher J Backhouse
9 Michael O'Hagan
10 Luke O Camden
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Jonathan Cresshull

All twelve members of this band rang their first quarter peal of Bristol Maximus on these bells. The band is placed from most recent (June 2017) on the treble to least recent (June 2006) on the tenor. We would like to associate Jenny Lane, Courtney Spoerer and Harriet Armitage, who also qualify for this band, with this performance. 200th together: 9 & 11.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 21st January 2018 in 48 mins (20cwt)
1295 Erin Caters

1 Simon A Bond
2 Adam D Rebick
3 Rosanna Cretney
4 Connie M Tongue
5 Cameron A Waters (C)
6 Wilfred J M Lewis
7 Hannah Guggiari
8 Alan M Eyles
9 Matthew A Child
10 Jonathan D Wright

First of Erin - 2,3,4,8,9. First of Erin as conductor.

OXFORD, New College, Oxon
Sun 13th May 2018 in 48 mins (20cwt)
1277 Grandsire Caters

1 Matthew A Child
2 David S Phillips
3 Cameron A Waters
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Craig M Robertson
6 Jonathan D Wright
7 Connie M Tongue
8 Rosanna Cretney
9 Wilfred J M Lewis
10 Simon A Bond (C)

Circled the tower to quarter peals of Grandsire Caters as conductor. Probably need a hobby.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 20th May 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron A Waters
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Megan A Bardsley
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Matthew A Child
8 Oliver P Bardsley
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Robin O Hall

Got wood: 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th November 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron White-Spunner
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Craig M Robertson
9 David A Jackson
10 Michael A Williams
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Joanna E Knight

A compliment to William “Bill” Lewis, a custodian at Christ Church for many years, on his retirement.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 3rd February 2019 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1276 Grandsire Cinques

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Hannah Guggiari
3 Jonathan D Wright
4 Craig M Robertson
5 Adam D Rebick
6 Claire L Pearson
7 David S Phillips
8 Emma Stanford
9 Courtney J Spoerer
10 Simon A Bond
11 Cameron A Waters (C)
12 Matthew R Johnson

First on 12: 3. First on 12 as conductor. First of Grandsire Cinques: 5.

OXFORD, Merton College, Oxon
Fri 5th April 2019 in 54 mins (25-1-10)
1296 Stedman Triples

1 Hannah Guggiari
2 Courtney J Spoerer
3 Jonathan Cresshull
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Joanna E Knight
7 Simon A Bond
8 Mark D Tarrant

In anticipatory celebration of the trebles ringers' nuptials in this chapel tomorrow.

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