Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 2560 changes in 0 peals and 2 quarter peals

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 8th March 2011 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Bristol Surprise Major

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Christopher J Backhouse
3 Heather C Banyard
4 Stephen J D Dann
5 Simon D Roberts
6 Robert S Wallis
7 Simon A Bond
8 Christopher I Griggs (C)

In memory of John Ascroft, tower captain of Penwortham, Lancs where the ringer of the seventh learned to ring, who died this morning.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Tue 31st May 2011 in 42 mins (7-1-12)
1280 Superlative Surprise Major

1 Canna H Whyte
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Heather C Banyard
4 Simon D Roberts
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Stephen J D Dann
8 Robert S Wallis

First in method: 3 & 6.

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