Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 3960 changes in 0 peals and 3 quarter peals

Fri 12th June 2020 in 1h9
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Simon A Bond
2 Elizabeth A Barnes
3 Craig P Homewood
4 Katharine J Firman
5 Simon A Rudd
6 Graham G Firman
7 David C Brown
8 Andrew P Deamer
9 Phillip R J Barnes (C)
10 Mark B Davies
11 Nicholas D Brown
12 Alex F Byrne

The first quarter peal of Maximus on this platform by twelve ringers. Rung with simulated sound and keyboard control.

Sun 14th June 2020 in 1h6
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Elizabeth A Barnes
2 Simon A Bond
3 Katharine J Firman
4 Matthew A Child
5 Craig P Homewood
6 Graham G Firman
7 Anna E Sherwood
8 Andrew P Deamer
9 Phillip R J Barnes
10 Mark B Davies
11 Julian O Howes (C)
12 Alex F Byrne

Thu 3rd June 2021 in 50 mins
1272 Spliced Triples and Major (2m)
768 Wolf Wrap Major, 504 Stedman Triples; 15 com; atw.

1 Mark B Davies
2 Simon J L Linford
3 Alex F Byrne
4 Janet E Archibald (C)
5 Cara A L Capewell
6 Simon A Bond
7 Ian G Mills
8 Catherine A Colman

This method, rung for the first time, is the invention of mathematician Stan Wagon, and is named after Stephen Wolfram, the author of the software package Mathematica used in the creation of the method. Wolf Wrap: -18.56-16-18.34-56-78 = 81234567

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