Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 2574 changes in 0 peals and 2 quarter peals

PRESTON, Minster Ch of S John Ev, Lancs
Wed 6th December 2006 in 49 mins (17-1-10)
1297 Grandsire Cinques

1 Philip S Woods
2 Barbara D Murray
3 Simon A Bond
4 Ian Smith
5 Peter R Hunt
6 Jean Barnes (C)
7 Frank N G Anderton
8 Paul F Warren
9 Jeffrey D Simcox
10 Colin A Tester
11 Ashley B Wilson
12 Robert Cater

Specially arranged and rung as a 97th birthday compliment to Mrs Annie Parsons.

BLACKBURN, Cath Ch of S Mary V, Lancs
Sat 16th December 2006 in 48 mins (25-1-14)
1277 Grandsire Caters

1 Charlotte Ferguson
2 Philip S Woods
3 Ian Smith
4 Jean Barnes
5 J Brian Sutcliffe
6 Simon A Bond
7 Frank N G Anderton (C)
8 Robert C Moody
9 Jeffrey D Simcox
10 Matthew D Warburton

Rung before the Cathedral Christmas Speciality Concert.

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