Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 6290 changes in 1 peals and 1 quarter peals

CAMBRIDGE, Our Lady & Eng Martyrs, Cambs
Fri 27th October 2006 in 48 mins (31-2-5)
1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major

1 James C Marchbank
2 Nicholas J Hartley
3 Simon A Bond
4 Leigh D G Simpson
5 Quentin S A Jackson
6 Edward P D Colliss
7 Luke T W Smith (C)
8 Alan G Reading

Rung at the beginning of the SUA Weekend in Cambridge.

OXFORD, S Mary Magd, Oxon
Sat 2nd February 2008 in 2h49 (7-1-12)
5040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal
Comp. M J Cansdale

1 Jennifer E Butler
2 James C Marchbank
3 Christopher J Backhouse
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 Philip J Earis
6 Hugh J W Wilkinson
7 Oliver D Cross (C)
8 Quentin S A Jackson
9 Simon A Bond
10 Luke O Camden

First Surprise Royal: 4. 50th Peal: 2. On OUSCR Dinner Day.

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