Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 468790 changes in 63 peals and 109 quarter peals

PRESTON, Minster Ch of S John Ev, Lancs
Sun 5th June 2005 in 3h14 (17-1-10)
5016 Plain Bob Maximus
Arr. J Barnes

1 Barbara D Murray
2 Donna Jones
3 Ken E Jagger
4 Simon A Bond
5 Jean Barnes (C)
6 Mark T Palmer
7 Robert V Criddle
8 Frank N G Anderton
9 Richard Palmer
10 Ashley B Wilson
11 Raymond J Clayton
12 Peter H Gardner

Rung for the 150th anniversary of the re-building of the Church, following a service conducted by the Rt Revd Robert Ladds, Bishop of Whitby and former Rector of Preston. First Peal: 4 & 7. First on 12: 1, 3 & 6. First Maximus: 9, 10 and as C.

PRESTON, Minster Ch of S John Ev, Lancs
Sun 25th June 2006 (17-1-10)
1320 Plain Bob Maximus

1 Jeffrey D Simcox (C)
2 Donna Jones
3 Mark T Palmer
4 Frank N G Anderton
5 Ken E Jagger
6 Peter R Hunt
7 Jean Barnes
8 Richard Palmer
9 Simon A Bond
10 Colin A Tester
11 Andrew J White
12 Ashley B Wilson

Rung to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the twinning of Preston and Recklinghausen (Germany). Also as a Silver Wedding compliment to Ken and Heather Jagger and to celebrate the birth of Harry Alexander Kienzley, grandson of Andrew White.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 30th November 2006 in 53 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Ellender
3 Nicholas J Balderson
4 Claire L Thomson
5 James C Marchbank
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Hugh J W Wilkinson
8 Simon A Bond
9 Harry Winter
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Mark A Bell
12 Michael A Williams

First on 12: 5 & 7. First Surprise Maximus: 8. First Yorkshire Surprise Maximus: 3. 50th together: 3 & 8.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 31st May 2007 in 55 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Claire L Thomson
2 Nicholas J Balderson
3 Michele Ellender
4 James C Marchbank
5 Harry Winter
6 Jennifer C E Lane
7 Hugh J W Wilkinson
8 Simon L Edwards
9 Simon A Bond
10 Michael A Williams (C)
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

1st on 12: 6. 1st Maximus: 8 and as C. 1st in m: 7, 9.

SHEFFIELD, Cath Ch of SS Peter & Paul, S Yks
Sat 1st September 2007 in 3h18 (34-0-7)
5042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Comp. J Worth

1 Val A Andrews
2 Paul B Hunter
3 Christine Broadley
4 Simon A Bond
5 Matthew J Jones
6 Ashley B Wilson
7 James C Marchbank
8 Ian Smith
9 James E Andrews (C)
10 Andrew D Sibson
11 Stephen R T Pocock
12 Gordon R Birks

First Surprise Maximus: 4 & 6 First Yorkshire Maximus: 7 A birthday compliment to Alex Edwards.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 29th November 2007 in 53 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams (C)
3 Claire L Bell
4 Michele Ellender
5 Harry Winter
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Keith D Anderson
8 James C Marchbank
9 Simon A Bond
10 David K Barrington
11 Mark A Bell
12 Robin O Hall

A 28th birthday compliment to Karen Witts, sister of Michael.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 6th January 2008 in 3h23 (31-0-23)
5042 Lincolnshire Surprise Maximus
Gen. SMC32

1 Mark R Eccleston
2 Simon A Bond
3 Michael A Williams
4 Claire F Roulstone
5 Michele Ellender
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Keith D Anderson
8 Harry Winter
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Clive Holloway
11 Robin O Hall (C)
12 Mark A Bell

Dedicated to the memory of Richard Barton, father-in-law of the conductor, ringer and Oxford man, who died 18th December 2007. 1500th peal: 10 First on twelve: 3 First of Maximus: 6 First in method for some unknown subset of the band but definitely including 3 and 6.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 24th April 2008 in 55 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michael A Williams
4 Simon A Bond
5 James C Marchbank
6 Luke O Camden
7 Giles M Hudson
8 Simon L Edwards
9 David K Barrington
10 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
11 Clive Holloway
12 Mark A Bell

First on 12 : 6. First Maximus on an inside bell : 7.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 31st July 2008 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michele Ellender
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Jennifer C E Lane
6 Hazel M Rothera
7 Robert H Newton
8 Simon A Bond
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Clive Holloway
11 John M Thurman
12 Mark A Bell (C)

First Bristol Maximus: 5 & 8.

AMERSHAM, S Mary V, Bucks
Sat 13th September 2008 in 3h10 (19-0-6)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Comp. R W Pipe

1 Raymond A Vickers
2 June D Wells
3 Ruth Stokes
4 Julie A Haseldine
5 Jennifer C E Lane
6 Marika Pascovitch
7 Simon A Bond
8 Christopher M Mundy
9 Andrew Haseldine (C)
10 James A Haseldine
11 E John Wells
12 Christopher C Stokes

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Thu 30th October 2008 in 53 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Simon L Edwards
5 Giles M Hudson
6 Luke O Camden
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Michael A Williams
9 Martin J Cansdale
10 Robert H Newton
11 Mark A Bell
12 Adam S Greenley

"Praise Him upon the loud cymbals." Ps. 150. First on Twelve: 3 and as C. First Yorkshire Maximus: 4, 5 & 6.

GUILDFORD, Cath Ch of Holy Spirit, Surrey
Sat 22nd November 2008 in 3h32 (30-1-10)
5042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Comp. J H Fielden

1 Anne M Anthony
2 Christopher J Poole (C)
3 Maryl R Chambers
4 Katherine R Poole
5 Simon A Bond
6 Nicholas J Balderson
7 John P W Taylor
8 Henry D Coggill
9 Martin J Cansdale
10 Richard H Burton
11 Robin O Hall
12 Mark A Bell

1st Yorkshire Surprise Maximus: 6. 1st Surprise Maximus for 30 years: 3.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th December 2008 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Claire L Bell
2 Jennifer C E Lane
3 Mark B Place
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Jonathan Cresshull
8 Robert S Wallis
9 Simon A Bond
10 Clive Holloway
11 Mark A Bell (C)
12 Michael A Williams

Birthday compliments to Michael and Jenny. First on 12: 8.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th January 2009 in 52 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Spliced Maximus (4m)
528 each Cambridge Surprise, Yorkshire Surprise; 168 Plain Bob; 72 Little Bob. 33 changes of method.

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Simon A Bond
4 Jennifer C E Lane
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Mark B Place
8 Robert S Wallis
9 Keith D Anderson
10 Michael A Williams
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

With fond memories of Vision On, Take Hart and Morph. Rest in peace Tony Hart (1925-2009) who died today.

GUILDFORD, Cath Ch of Holy Spirit, Surrey
Sun 10th May 2009 in 54 mins (30-1-10)
1250 Ariel Surprise Maximus

1 A Jane Beadman
2 Anne M Anthony
3 Elizabeth A Burton
4 Christopher J Poole (C)
5 Benjamin J Carey
6 Christopher H Rogers
7 Richard A Pearce
8 Henry D Coggill
9 Simon A Bond
10 David R Beadman
11 Nicholas M W Haggett
12 Nigel C Smith

Rung for the 'O for the wings of a dove' BBC Radio 3 Mendelssohn Celebration (Felix Mendelssohn: 1809-1847). 300th quarter peal and first blows in method: 9.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 31st May 2009 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Patricia M Newton
4 Michele Ellender
5 Michael A Williams (C)
6 Michael O'Hagan
7 Simon A Bond
8 Luke O Camden
9 Michael T Childs
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Robert H Newton
12 Mark A Bell

1st in method: 6,8. The mark the retirement of Edward Evans after 35 years as the Dean's verger.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 22nd August 2009 in 3h7 (28-2-16)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. R W Lee

1 Rosemary H K Brooke
2 Simon A Bond
3 Charles W G Herriott (C)
4 Jennifer E Butler
5 Tessa K Beadman
6 James C Marchbank
7 Leigh D G Simpson
8 Benjamin J Carey
9 Edward P D Colliss
10 Edward N Hughes-D'Aeth
11 Luke T W Smith
12 Alan G Reading

First in method: 2. Rung by a band all under the age of 24.

GUILDFORD, Cath Ch of Holy Spirit, Surrey
Sat 19th September 2009 in 3h21 (30-1-10)
5040 Avon Delight Maximus
Comp. A G Reading (No. 1)

1 Ian J Carey
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 Leigh D G Simpson
4 Thomas J Hinks
5 Anne M Anthony
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan A Agg
8 Alexander J Britton
9 Benjamin J Carey (C)
10 Luke T W Smith
11 Jonathan C Hetherington
12 Peter W J Sheppard

First Peal in the Method - 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10. With thanks to Richard Burton for standing down at short notice.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 11th October 2009 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Mark B Place
2 Zoë E Roberts
3 Robin O Hall
4 Simon A Bond
5 Hazel M Rothera
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Michael A Williams (C)
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Michael T Childs
10 Colin M Lee
11 Bernard J Stone
12 Mark A Bell

1st Maximus: 8. Not a birthday compliment to Robin.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 22nd November 2009 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Mark B Place
4 Patricia M Newton
5 Michele Ellender
6 Michael O'Hagan
7 Jonathan Cresshull
8 Keith D Anderson
9 Simon A Bond
10 Michael A Williams
11 Robert H Newton
12 Robin O Hall (C)

First in the method on this planet: 2.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 13th December 2009 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Claire L Bell
2 Zoë E Roberts
3 Michele Ellender
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Colin M Lee
6 Michael A Williams
7 Keith D Anderson
8 Simon A Bond (C)
9 David K Barrington
10 Clive Holloway
11 Bernard J Stone
12 Jonathan Cresshull

BIRMINGHAM, Cath Ch of S Philip, W Mids
Mon 29th March 2010 in 3h26 (31-0-21)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D G Hull (No. 4)

1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Paul Needham
4 Elizabeth M Harvey
5 William T Bosworth
6 Simon A Bond
7 Maurice F Edwards
8 Michael Maughan
9 Timothy J Peverett
10 Michael P A Wilby (C)
11 Christopher J Pickford
12 Gordon R Birks

PETERBOROUGH, Cath Ch of SS Peter, Paul & Andrew, Cambs
Mon 5th April 2010 in 3h20 (21-1-20)
5042 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus
Comp. J Clatworthy

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 W Nigel G Herriott (C)
4 Christine C Darby
5 Luke O Camden
6 Robert S Wallis
7 Peter R Elliott
8 Simon A Bond
9 Henry D Coggill
10 Martin J Cansdale
11 Christopher J Poole
12 Mark A Bell

Rung during the OUSCR annual Easter tour. First on 12: 5 & 6. 300th Peal: 12.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Mon 12th April 2010 in 51 mins (23-0-20)
1346 Ariel Surprise Maximus

1 Sarah E Barrett
2 June D Wells
3 Katharine J Firman
4 Tessa K Beadman
5 Jennifer M Herriott
6 Simon A Bond
7 W Nigel G Herriott
8 Stephen A Rossiter
9 Douglas J Beaumont
10 E John Wells
11 Alex F Byrne (C)
12 Mark A Bell

First in method: 8 & 9.

READING, S Laurence, Berks
Sat 15th May 2010 in 3h13 (23-0-20)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Comp. D G Hull

1 Claire L Bell
2 Christopher J Poole (C)
3 John P W Taylor
4 Mark H Ainsworth
5 Hugh J W Wilkinson
6 Robert S Wallis
7 Nicholas J Balderson
8 Luke O Camden
9 James C Marchbank
10 Simon A Bond
11 W Nigel G Herriott
12 Mark A Bell

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Mon 30th August 2010 in 3h13 (26-3-9)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Differential Little TP; 109 com, atw.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Imogen G K Brooke
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 Jennifer E Butler
4 Simon A Bond
5 Rosemary H K Brooke
6 Charles W G Herriott
7 Benjamin J Carey
8 Edward P D Colliss
9 Leigh D G Simpson
10 Matthew D Dawson
11 Alan G Reading (C)
12 Luke T W Smith

100th peal: 10. First peal with the Society: 1. An engagement compliment to Martin Cansdale and Becky Sugden. Rung by a band all aged 25 or under.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th September 2010 in 3h19 (31-0-23)
5040 Parson's Pleasure Surprise Maximus
Comp. C J Poole

1 Michael O'Hagan
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Phillip R J Barnes
4 W Nigel G Herriott
5 Henry D Coggill
6 Simon A Bond
7 James C Marchbank
8 Richard A Pearce
9 Douglas J Beaumont
10 Paul N Mounsey (C)
11 Christopher J Poole
12 Alex F Byrne

First peal in the method. Parson's Pleasure Surprise Maximus: 3-5.4-5-3-34-5-6-7.6-6.9.8-0.ET lh 12

Sun 3rd October 2010 in 3h5 (18-3-27)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. M B Davies (No. 3)

1 Sarah E Hutchinson
2 Christopher H Rogers
3 Ian J Carey
4 Mike Pidd
5 Benjamin J Carey
6 Simon A Bond
7 Matthew D Dawson
8 Graham A C John
9 Stephen S Russ
10 R Mark Esbester
11 Alan G Reading (C)
12 Peter W J Sheppard

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th October 2010 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Ellender
3 Michael A Williams (C)
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 Michael O Esbester
6 Christopher J Backhouse
7 Simon A Bond
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Keith D Anderson
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

1st Bristol Maximus: 6, 8, 9.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 23rd January 2011 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Claire L Bell
2 Michael A Williams
3 Michele Ellender
4 Michael O'Hagan (C)
5 Christopher J Backhouse
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jeremy R Pratt
8 Richard H Youdale
9 Keith D Anderson
10 Clive Holloway
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

First on twelve as conductor.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 30th January 2011 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Zoë E Roberts
5 Michael O Esbester
6 Christopher J Backhouse
7 Simon A Bond
8 Michael A Williams (C)
9 Keith D Anderson
10 Jeremy R Pratt
11 Mark A Bell
12 Colin M Lee

100th together: 7 & 11. For Candlemas Carol Service.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 13th February 2011 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Claire L Bell
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Zoë E Roberts
5 Michele Ellender
6 Simon A Bond
7 Michael A Williams (C)
8 Keith D Anderson
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Clive Holloway
11 Colin M Lee
12 Mark A Bell

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 13th March 2011 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Mark A Bell
3 Michele Ellender
4 Zoë E Roberts
5 Adam S Greenley
6 Jonathan Cresshull
7 Keith D Anderson
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Simon A Bond (C)
10 Colin M Lee
11 Michael A Williams
12 Benjamin D Constant

A 60th birthday compliment to Ian Greenley. 400th quarter and 100th as conductor: 9.

MACCLESFIELD, S Michael & All Angels, Ches
Sat 19th March 2011 in 3h14 (26-0-21)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. J C Marchbank

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Phillip R J Barnes
3 Simon A Bond
4 Peter G Giles
5 Henry D Coggill
6 Jennifer C E Lane
7 Rebecca Glen
8 James C Marchbank (C)
9 Andrew J Graham
10 Douglas J Beaumont
11 Martin J Cansdale
12 Paul N Mounsey

First of Bristol S Maximus: 6, 7. In celebration of the life of N David Lane.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 24th April 2011 in 3h21 (31-0-23)
5088 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Michele Winter
4 Zoë E Roberts
5 Michael O Esbester
6 Simon A Bond
7 Michael A Williams (C)
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Keith D Anderson
10 Colin M Lee
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

For Easter. First on 12: 8. First Bristol Maximus: 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 and by a Sunday service band. 200th tower bell peal in the House.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 2nd July 2011 in 3h22 (28-2-16)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 each Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky Diff LTP; 109 com, atw.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 David J Dearnley
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 Simon J L Linford
4 Graham G Firman
5 Simon A Bond
6 David E House (C)
7 Antony R Kench
8 Patrick L H Brooke
9 Richard H Burton
10 Mark A Bell
11 Paul L Carless
12 Philip Rogers

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 7th July 2011 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Claire L Bell
3 Michele Winter
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Michael A Williams (C)
6 Catherine M A Lane
7 Michael O Esbester
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 David K Barrington
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 24th July 2011 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m)
528 Bristol; 384 each Cambridge, Yorkshire.

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Michele Winter
4 Zoë E Lee
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Jonathan Cresshull
7 Keith D Anderson
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Michael A Williams
10 Mark A Bell (C)
11 Colin M Lee
12 Simon A Bond

BIRMINGHAM, Cath Ch of S Philip, W Mids
Mon 8th August 2011 in 3h25 (31-0-21)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. T W Griffiths

1 Susan E Marshall
2 Mark R Eccleston (C)
3 Thomas W Griffiths
4 Arthur J Reeves
5 Simon A Bond
6 Christian M Peckham
7 Paul Needham
8 Michael Maughan
9 Jonathan P Healy
10 John P Loveless
11 Gordon R Birks
12 Alan G Reading

First Bristol Maximus: 4

BIRMINGHAM, Cath Ch of S Philip, W Mids
Mon 21st November 2011 in 3h27 (31-0-21)
5090 Orion Surprise Maximus
Comp. A G Reading

1 Richard B Grimmett
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 Louis P H Suggett
4 Alan G Reading (C)
5 Thomas W Griffiths
6 Simon A Bond
7 Paul McNutt
8 Paul E Bibilo
9 Gordon R Birks
10 Anthony M Daw
11 Paul Needham
12 Frederick Shallcross

First peal in the method: 3 & 6.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 27th November 2011 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Michael A Williams
2 Benjamin D Constant
3 Michele Winter
4 Mark A Bell (C)
5 Hazel M Rothera
6 Mary C Friskney
7 Keith D Anderson
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Adam S Greenley
11 Simon A Bond
12 Colin M Lee

The Society would like to send its best wishes for a speedy recovery to Rob Austin who is currently in Stoke Mandeville hospital.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 22nd January 2012 in 1h5 (31-0-23)
1584 Barford Surprise Maximus

1 Adam S Greenley
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Mark A Bell
4 Benjamin D Constant
5 Mary C Friskney
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Michael A Williams
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Keith D Anderson
10 Simon A Bond (C)
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

First in method for most of the band.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 11th February 2012 in 3h22 (28-2-16)
5040 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1152 Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 864 Deimos A; 576 Glazgow LS; 144 Lynx Diff; 119 com, atw for all 12 bells.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Mark R Eccleston
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
4 Simon A Bond
5 Graham G Firman
6 David C Brown
7 Antony R Kench
8 David J Dearnley
9 Patrick L H Brooke
10 Christopher J Poole
11 Paul L Carless
12 Paul N Mounsey

Retirement compliment to Revd Dr Peter Mullen, priest-in-charge, and Lynne Mullen, parish administrator, with warm appreciation of all their good work in 13 happy years at St Sepulchre. 500th peal together: 3 and 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 16th February 2012 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Mary C Friskney
2 Keith D Anderson
3 Michele Winter
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Simon L Edwards
7 Michael O'Hagan
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 David K Barrington
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Bernard J Stone
12 Colin M Lee

WOLVERHAMPTON, Collegiate Ch of S Peter, W Mids
Sat 26th May 2012 in 3h22 (33-0-21)
5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. P W J Sheppard

1 Ian R Fielding
2 Benjamin J Carey
3 Peter W J Sheppard (C)
4 Paul McNutt
5 Katherine A Hill
6 Ian J Carey
7 Lizzie J Hough
8 Louis P H Suggett
9 Simon A Bond
10 James C Marchbank
11 Luke T W Smith
12 Edward P D Colliss

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 15th July 2012 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Keith D Anderson
3 Robert W Lee
4 Mary C Friskney
5 Leon G Thompson
6 Stuart F Gibson
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 John G Pusey
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Michael O'Hagan
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

First of Maximus: 9.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 26th August 2012 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Mary C Friskney
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Keith D Anderson
5 Simon L Edwards
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Mark A Bell (C)
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Robin O Hall
12 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th October 2012 in 1h5 (31-0-23)
1584 Barford Surprise Maximus

1 Mary C Friskney
2 Patricia M Newton
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Michael A Williams
5 Simon L Edwards
6 Stuart F Gibson
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Leon G Thompson
9 Robert H Newton
10 Mark A Bell (C)
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Simon A Bond

To welcome Rosalind Ann Esbester, a daughter for Mike & Nicki.

EXMOUTH, Withycombe Raleigh, S John Ev, Devon
Sat 20th October 2012 in 3h10 (17-1-10)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. J Clatworthy

1 David P Hilling (C)
2 Katherine L Town
3 Charles W G Herriott
4 Rachael C Smith
5 Martin J Cansdale
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan R Slack
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Peter Valuks
10 Samuel M Austin
11 Philip R Goodyer
12 Paul J Pascoe

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 29th November 2012 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Michele Winter
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Henry V Bettinson
7 Michael A Williams (C)
8 Simon L Edwards
9 David K Barrington
10 Leon G Thompson
11 Simon A Bond
12 Michael O'Hagan

To welcome Rosalind Ann Esbester, born 1st October; Simon George Lee, born 16th October; and Alistair Thomas Bell & Esme Niamh Bell born today. With the OS's warmest wishes to all the new families!

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 5th January 2013 in 3h13 (26-3-9)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D G Hull

1 Robert W Lee
2 Charles W G Herriott
3 Rachael C Smith
4 Martin J Cansdale (C)
5 Graham M Bradshaw
6 David I Bassford
7 John P W Taylor
8 Thomas F Lawrance
9 Simon A Bond
10 Luke T W Smith
11 Andrew J Graham
12 Henry D Coggill

Circled the tower to peals: 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 28th April 2013 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond (C)
3 Michele Winter
4 Jonathan Cresshull
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Mary C Friskney
7 Robin O Hall
8 John G Pusey
9 Leon G Thompson
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Colin M Lee
12 Michael O'Hagan

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th May 2013 in 58 mins (31-0-23)
1440 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m)
720 each Bristol, Barford; 17 com

1 Richard H Youdale
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Jillian E Galloway
4 Michele Winter
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Mary C Friskney
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Leon G Thompson
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Michael A Williams
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Simon A Bond

Dedicated to Michael Williams' father on his 65th birthday.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sun 12th May 2013 in 3h24 (26-3-9)
5138 Orion Surprise Maximus
Comp. P N Mounsey

1 Stephen A Coaker
2 David J Dearnley
3 Shirley E McGill
4 Katharine J Firman
5 Graham G Firman
6 Claire F Roulstone
7 Paul N Mounsey (C)
8 Paul J Tiebout
9 Simon A Bond
10 Ian R Fielding
11 Richard H Burton
12 Oliver D Cross

50th on the bells: 7.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 19th May 2013 in 51 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Leon G Thompson
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Benjamin D Constant
8 Simon A Bond (C)
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Colin M Lee
11 Adam S Greenley
12 Robin O Hall

First Bristol Maximus: 6. A compliment to Esme and Alistair Bell immediately before their Christening in the Cathedral.

BIRMINGHAM, Cath Ch of S Philip, W Mids
Mon 27th May 2013 in 3h25 (31-0-21)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 Ariel, Zanussi, Phobos Surprise, 880 Maypole Alliance, 792 Deimos Alliance, 76 Slinky Diff LTP, 109 changes of method, all the work
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Michael P A Wilby
2 Simon J L Linford
3 Eleanor J Linford
4 Katherine L Town
5 Paul N Mounsey
6 Adam A Brady
7 Simon A Bond
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
10 Andrew J Graham
11 Paul L Carless
12 Robert W Lee

Was Magnificent: 3.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 23rd June 2013 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Hazel M Rothera
3 Colin M Lee (C)
4 Michele Winter
5 Mary C Friskney
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Michael A Williams
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Leon G Thompson
11 Simon A Bond
12 Jonathan Cresshull

500th Quarter: 11.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 29th June 2013 in 56 mins (26-3-9)
1388 Spliced Maximus (7m)
20 Walt Disney Cyclic Little A; 24 Slink Differential Little Place; 192 Glasgow Little S; 288 each Ariel S, Bristol S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 30 changes of method.

1 Jillian E Galloway
2 Martin J Cansdale
3 Tessa K Beadman
4 Henry D Coggill
5 Simon A Bond
6 Katherine L Town
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Neil Buswell
9 Leigh D G Simpson
10 Jonathan A Agg
11 Philip A B Saddleton
12 Richard H Burton

Rung non-conducted. Rung to mark the Silver Jubilee of the ordination of the Rev'd Canon Barry E B Swain, SSC, Rector of the Church of the Resurrection, New York City, the sister church to St Magnus.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sun 30th June 2013 in 3h18 (28-2-16)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
88 Slink Differential Little Place; 704 Glasgow Little Surprise; 1056 each Ariel Surprise, Bristol Surprise, Phobos Surprise and Zanussi Surprise; 109 changes of method; all the work.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Katherine L Town
2 Christopher J Poole
3 Tessa K Beadman (C)
4 Henry D Coggill
5 Simon A Bond
6 Martin J Cansdale
7 Graham M Bradshaw
8 Neil Buswell
9 Leigh D G Simpson
10 Jonathan A Agg
11 Philip A B Saddleton
12 Richard H Burton

First peal as conductor.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Tue 9th July 2013 in 55 mins (26-3-9)
1388 Spliced Maximus (7m)
288 each Ariel Surprise, Phobos Surprise and Zanussi Surprise; 240 Maypole Alliance; 216 Deimos Alliance; 24 Slinky Little Treble Place; 20 Walt Disney Cyclic Little Alliance; 31 changes of method.

1 Dickon R Love
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 David E House
4 Leigh D G Simpson
5 Andrew J Graham (C)
6 Martin J Cansdale
7 Simon A Bond
8 Neil Buswell
9 Luke T W Smith
10 Robert W Lee
11 Stephen A Coaker
12 Paul L Carless

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 3rd August 2013 in 3h27 (32-1-6)
5016 Spliced Maximus (9m)
1152 Rigel S; 864 Callisto LA; 624 Great Firewall LA; 576 Zanussi S, Io LA; 480 Chaldene LA; 384 Europa LTP; 240 Leda LA; 120 Shanghai Maglev Diff. 179 com, atw for all 12 bells.
Comp. D J Pipe arr. A R Kench

1 Graham G Firman
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 David E House
4 Jonathan H Potter
5 Simon A Bond
6 David C Brown
7 Antony R Kench
8 David J Dearnley
9 Paul N Mounsey
10 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
11 Philip Rogers
12 Simon J L Linford

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 4th August 2013 in 1h3 (31-0-23)
1584 Tritone Delight Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Michael A Williams
4 Patricia M Newton
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 Jonathan Cresshull
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Robert H Newton
11 Robin O Hall
12 Colin M Lee

First in method for all. Welcoming Revd Dr Edmund Newey, installed as Sub Dean yesterday.

LONDON, Cheapside, S Mary le Bow,
Tue 13th August 2013 in 1h1 (41-3-21)
1388 Spliced Maximus (7m)
288 each Ariel Surprise, Phobos Surprise and Zanussi Surprise; 240 Maypole Alliance; 216 Deimos Alliance; 24 Slinky Little Treble Place; 20 Walt Disney Cyclic Little Alliance; 31 changes of method.

1 Charles W G Herriott
2 Paul N Mounsey
3 Gwen Rogers
4 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
5 James H Foster
6 Simon A Bond
7 Jonathan H Potter
8 David E House
9 Neil Buswell
10 Luke T W Smith
11 Philip Rogers
12 Paul L Carless

SOUTHWARK, Cath Ch of S Saviour, Gr Lon
Sat 7th September 2013 in 3h48 (48-0-9)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. M B Davies

1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Siân E Austin
3 Simon A Bond
4 Susan E Marshall
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Samuel M Austin
7 James C Marchbank (C)
8 Anthony M Bulteel
9 Christopher N McCarthy
10 Michael G Purday
11 Daniel J Smith
12 Colin M Lee

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sun 29th September 2013 in 1h16 (26-3-9)
1920 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (4m)
624 Zanussi S, 576 Bristol S, 432 Avon D, 288 Rigel S; 28 com.

1 Martin J Cansdale
2 Katherine L Town
3 James H Foster
4 Charles W G Herriott
5 Jonathan H Potter
6 Antony R Kench
7 Andrew J Graham (C)
8 Simon A Bond
9 Neil Buswell
10 Graham M Bradshaw
11 Luke T W Smith
12 Stephen A Coaker

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 23rd November 2013 in 3h24 (26-3-9)
5088 Spliced Surprise Maximus (5m)
1056 each Andromeda, Ariel and Rigel; 960 each Bristol and Strathclyde. 95 changes of method; all the work.
Comp. J S Warboys

1 Katherine L Town
2 Leigh D G Simpson
3 Simon A Bond
4 Tessa K Beadman
5 Jonathan H Potter
6 Stephen A Coaker
7 David E House
8 Andrew J Graham (C)
9 Oliver D Cross
10 Graham M Bradshaw
11 Ian R Fielding
12 Paul L Carless

Circled the tower: 11.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 12th January 2014 in 52 mins (31-0-23)
1250 Ariel Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Simon A Bond
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Robin O Hall (C)
8 Ryan Mills
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Colin M Lee
12 Mark A Bell

First encounter with the method: 2,6,8,9,10.

ST ALBANS, Cath & Abbey Ch of S Alban, Herts
Sat 25th January 2014 in 3h29 (21-0-19)
5040 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m)
1776 Bristol, 1632 each Cambridge, Yorkshire; 17com; atw
Comp. J H Potter

1 Michael R Crockett
2 Simon A Bond
3 Benjamin J Carey
4 Jonathan H Potter (C)
5 David J Dearnley
6 Anthony P Cotton
7 Luke O Camden
8 Douglas J Beaumont
9 Nicholas M W Haggett
10 Alban D Forster
11 Ian Butters
12 Stephen A Coaker

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 9th February 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Elizabeth C Frye
3 Michele Winter
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Ryan Mills
6 Stuart F Gibson
7 Michael A Williams
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 Leon G Thompson
10 Michael O'Hagan
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Mark A Bell

First Maximus: 8. A birthday compliment to Jennie Williams, Michael's mum.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 23rd February 2014 in 1h6 (31-0-23)
1584 Tritone Delight Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael O'Hagan (C)
3 Michele Winter
4 Simon A Bond
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Mark D Tarrant
8 Ryan Mills
9 Leon G Thompson
10 Robin O Hall
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

First in the method: 6.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 1st March 2014 in 3h29 (26-3-9)
5136 Spliced Maximus (10m)
1152 Phobos, Zanussi S; 864 Deimos A; 576 Avon D, Orion S; 360 Fleet Place LA; 168 Pipeline LB; 96 Bastow LB, Rumble Diff LH, Slink Diff LTP; 167 com, atw for all 12 bells.
Comp. A R Kench

1 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
2 David J Dearnley
3 David C Brown
4 Christopher J Poole
5 David E House
6 Graham G Firman
7 Antony R Kench
8 Jonathan H Potter
9 Simon A Bond
10 Robin O Hall
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 Paul L Carless

Fleet Place Little Alliance Maximus: &34-2 le1T Pipeline Little Bob Maximus: &-1-0-1.78 le1T Rumble Differential Little Hybrid Maximus: -6-56.2.36-678

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 23rd March 2014 in 51 mins (31-0-23)
1250 Ariel Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jillian E Galloway
3 Michele Winter
4 Michael A Williams
5 Michael O'Hagan
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Mark A Bell (C)
8 Leon G Thompson
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Simon A Bond
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Robin O Hall

100th quarter peal: 9. 550th quarter peal: 10. First of Ariel: 3, 4. Birthday compliments to the team mascot.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 5th April 2014 in 3h26 (28-2-16)
5038 Spliced Maximus (8m)
1056 Clifton S, Io LA, Orion S; 792 Callisto LA; 440 Chaldene LA; 352 Europa LTP; 220 Leda LA; 66 Fleet Place LA; 186 com, atw.
Comp. A R Kench

1 Jillian E Galloway
2 Mark R Eccleston
3 David J Dearnley
4 Tessa K Beadman
5 Graham G Firman
6 Antony R Kench
7 Adam A Brady
8 Simon A Bond
9 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
10 David E House
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 Philip Rogers

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 20th April 2014 in 3h26 (31-0-23)
5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. M B Davies (no. 3)

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Jillian E Galloway
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 Katherine E Young
6 Michael A Williams
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Ryan Mills
9 Leon G Thompson
10 Simon A Bond (C)
11 Richard I Allton
12 Robin O Hall

For Easter. First Bristol Maximus: 8 & 9. First on twelve as conductor.

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 6th September 2014 in 3h30 (32-1-6)
5040 Spliced Maximus (12m)
864 Callisto LA; 576 Io lA, Rigel S, Strathclyde S, Zanussi S; 480 Chaldene LA; 432 Deimos A; 384 Europa LTP; 240 Leda LA; 144 Sixblock Diff LH; 72 Fleet Place LA; 203 com, atw for all 12 bells.
Comp. A R Kench

1 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
2 David C Brown
3 Christopher J Poole
4 Simon A Bond
5 Graham G Firman
6 David J Dearnley
7 Antony R Kench
8 Robin O Hall
9 Mark A Bell
10 Paul N Mounsey
11 Philip Rogers
12 Paul L Carless

Sixblock Maximus: -6-6-6

GUILDFORD, Cath Ch of Holy Spirit, Surrey
Sat 13th September 2014 in 3h33 (30-1-10)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (4m)
1344 Avon Delight; 1296 each Bristol Surprise and Zanussi Surprise; 1104 Phobos Surprise; 84 changes of method, all the work.
Comp. A G Reading

1 Stephen A Coaker
2 Charles W G Herriott
3 Thomas F Lawrance
4 Rachael C Smith
5 Andrew J Graham (C)
6 Philip A B Saddleton
7 Ryan S Noble
8 Simon A Bond
9 Luke T W Smith
10 Richard H Burton
11 Simon S Meyer
12 Paul J Tiebout

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 14th September 2014 in 52 mins (31-0-23)
1250 Ariel Surprise Maximus

1 Adam S Greenley
2 Elizabeth C Frye
3 Michael O'Hagan
4 Robin O Hall (C)
5 Christopher I Griggs
6 Jonathan Cresshull
7 Benjamin D Constant
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Simon A Bond
11 Michael A Williams
12 Colin M Lee

First in method: 8 & 11.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th October 2014 in 3h30 (31-0-23)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Comp. A F Byrne

1 Michele Winter
2 Bernard J Stone
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Elizabeth C Frye
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Simon A Bond (C)
9 Richard H Youdale
10 Robin O Hall
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

Welcoming the Very Reverend Professor Martyn Percy, installed as Dean of Christ Church yesterday. Circled the tower to peals: 2.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 26th October 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Jillian E Galloway
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Michael A Williams
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 John G Pusey
10 Simon A Bond
11 Christopher I Griggs
12 Mark D Tarrant

First of Maximus: 6. 50th together: 10 & 12.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 1st November 2014 in 3h18 (28-2-16)
5060 Spliced Maximus (7m)
2200 Sinope A; 792 Callisto LA; 528 Io LA, Plain B; 440 Chaldene LA; 352 Europa LTP; 220 Leda LA; 131 changes of method, all the work.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 David E House
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 Charles W G Herriott
4 Simon A Bond
5 Jonathan A Agg
6 Katherine L Town
7 Andrew J Graham (C)
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Alban D Forster
10 Leigh D G Simpson
11 Philip Rogers
12 John N Hughes-D'Aeth

Rung on the morning of the Society's 377th Anniversary Dinner.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 30th November 2014 in 50 mins (31-0-23)
1250 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Jillian E Galloway
4 Colin M Lee (C)
5 Elizabeth C Frye
6 Simon A Bond
7 Adam S Greenley
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Benjamin D Constant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Robin O Hall

First in the method for some of the band.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th December 2014 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael O'Hagan (C)
3 Simon A Bond
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Stuart F Gibson
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 John G Pusey
9 Nicholas J Hartley
10 Robin O Hall
11 Leon G Thompson
12 Jonathan Cresshull

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 4th January 2015 in 3h31 (31-0-23)
5136 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. R O Hall

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jillian E Galloway
3 Simon A Bond
4 Robin O Hall (C)
5 Jonathan Cresshull
6 Ryan S Noble
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 R Mark Esbester
9 Colin M Lee
10 Martin J Cansdale
11 Michael O'Hagan
12 Mark A Bell

First on twelve: 7. Circled the tower: 4. The band would like to thank Helen Matthews for getting Jill to the tower. Colin Parker however ...

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 11th January 2015 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1294 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Robin O Hall
4 Stuart F Gibson
5 Simon L Edwards
6 Hannah Guggiari
7 Katherine A Stonham
8 Nicholas J Hartley
9 David K Barrington
10 Michael O'Hagan
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Mark D Tarrant

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 8th February 2015 in 1h0 (31-0-23)
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Michele Winter
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Christopher I Griggs
8 Ryan Mills
9 Simon A Bond
10 Michael O'Hagan
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

First in the method: some. A get well compliment to Simon Linford from the pointy end.

BRISTOL, Redcliffe, S Mary V, Bris
Mon 31st August 2015 in 3h53 (50-2-21)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. I R Fielding

1 Timothy M Davis
2 Simon A Bond
3 Ian R Fielding (C)
4 Simon J Reading
5 Matthew D Dawson
6 Keith W Scudamore
7 Peter J Waterfield
8 Colin M Lee
9 Daniel Jones
10 Andrew C Ogden
11 Stephen J Bateman
12 Gordon R Birks

First Bristol Maximus: 7.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 3rd October 2015 in 3h32 (28-2-16)
5038 Spliced Maximus (9m)
1056 Bristol S, Rigel S; 792 Callisto LA; 528 Io LA, Zanussi S; 440 Chaldene LA; 352 Europa LTP; 220 Leda LA; 66 Channel Tunnel Rail Link Diff LA; 164 com, atw.
Arr. A R Kench

1 Ann White
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 Mark R Eccleston
4 Adam A Brady
5 Graham G Firman
6 Antony R Kench
7 Simon A Bond
8 Christopher J Poole
9 David E House
10 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
11 Robin O Hall
12 Paul L Carless

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th October 2015 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 Michael A Williams
4 Robin O Hall
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Ryan Mills
11 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First in method: 5.

BIRMINGHAM, Aston, SS Peter & Paul, W Mids
Sat 31st October 2015 in 3h16 (24-2-18)
5042 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. M B Davies

1 Simon C Melen
2 Simon A Bond
3 Simon J L Linford (C)
4 Simon Read
5 Simon J T Smith
6 Simon J Ridley
7 Simon J Reading
8 Simon Humphrey
9 Simon A Rudd
10 Simon D Ogier
11 Simon S Meyer
12 Simon J Poole

First peal of Bristol Maximus by a band with the same Christian name.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 10th January 2016 in 3h33 (31-0-23)
5136 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D G Hull

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Jonathan Cresshull
4 Michele Winter
5 Colin M Turner
6 Ryan Mills
7 Timothy G Pett
8 Courtney J Spoerer
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Robin O Hall (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First Bristol Maximus: 9. Circled the tower: 3.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th January 2016 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Michael A Williams
5 Harriet J M A Armitage
6 S L Catrin Morgan
7 Ryan Mills
8 Matthew R Johnson
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Stuart F Gibson
11 Leon G Thompson
12 Simon A Bond

First of Maximus: 5 & 8. To celebrate the success of Big Michael's Super-Duper Quarter Peal Day II.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th February 2016 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Elizabeth A Barnes
2 Phillip R J Barnes
3 P Quentin Armitage
4 Martin J Cansdale
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Courtney J Spoerer
8 D Robert C Sworder
9 Luke O Camden
10 Paul N Mounsey
11 Mark A Bell
12 James C Marchbank

On Society Dinner weekend.

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 16th April 2016 in 3h36 (32-1-6)
5136 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m)
2640 Bristol S, 2496 Zanussi S; 12 com, atw.
Comp. O D Cross

1 Stephen A Waters
2 Simon A Bond
3 Henry D Coggill
4 Elizabeth A Orme
5 Graham G Firman
6 Antony R Kench
7 Andrew J Graham
8 Martin C Faulkes
9 Neil Buswell
10 Paul L Carless
11 Oliver D Cross (C)
12 Andrew B Mills

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the new Taylor bells, consecrated in the church on 3 April 2011.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th April 2016 in 3h32 (31-0-23)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Comp. R W Pipe

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 Colin M Turner
4 Christopher I Griggs
5 Simon A Bond
6 Joanna E Knight
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Matthew R Johnson
9 Stuart F Gibson (C)
10 Ryan Mills
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Robin O Hall

To celebrate the forthcoming 90th Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. First of Maximus: 2. First on 12: 8 and as C.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 22nd May 2016 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1298 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m)
530 Zanussi, 432 Bristol, 336 Cambridge. 25 com.

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Elizabeth C Frye
4 Jeremy R Pratt
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Ryan Mills
8 Stephen M Jones
9 Simon A Bond
10 Colin M Lee
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

New territory for some.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 3rd July 2016 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m)
432 each Bristol, Cambridge, Yorkshire; 23 com.

1 Michael A Williams
2 Stephen M Jones
3 Michele Winter
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Robin O Hall
6 Elizabeth C Frye
7 Simon A Bond (C)
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Ryan Mills
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of the Very Revd Prof Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church.

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 17th September 2016 in 3h30 (32-1-6)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (3m)
1728 Avon D; 1680 Zanussi S; 1632 Bristol S; 67 com; atw.
Comp. A G Reading

1 Stephen A Coaker
2 Simon A Bond
3 Paul McNutt
4 Leigh D G Simpson
5 Andrew J Graham (C)
6 Tessa K Beadman
7 James J Watkins
8 Katherine L Town
9 Andrew M Hills
10 Graham M Bradshaw
11 Luke T W Smith
12 Andrew B Mills

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 8th October 2016 in 3h31 (32-1-6)
5040 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1152 Ariel, Phobos, Zanussi S; 864 Deimos A;576 Glazgow LS; 144 Lynx Differential; 119 com, atw for all 12 bells.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Adam A Brady
2 Tessa K Beadman
3 Christopher J Poole
4 Mark R Eccleston
5 Philip J Earis
6 Antony R Kench
7 Simon A Bond
8 Graham G Firman
9 John N Hughes-D'Aeth (C)
10 Robin O Hall
11 David E House
12 Paul L Carless

For Tony's 75th birthday.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 15th October 2016 in 3h21 (26-3-9)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 each Ariel S, Phobos S, Zanussi S; 880 Maypole A; 792 Deimos A; 176 Slinky DLTP; 109 com; atw.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Christopher J Poole
3 Simon A Bond
4 Michael O'Hagan
5 W Nigel G Herriott
6 Henry D Coggill
7 Andrew J Graham (C)
8 Douglas J Beaumont
9 Richard A Pearce
10 Martin J Cansdale
11 Ian Roulstone
12 Mark A Bell

Rung with the Society's best wishes to John Camp.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 16th October 2016 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jonathan Cresshull
3 Michele Winter
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 John G Pusey
8 Simon L Edwards
9 Courtney J Spoerer
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Robin O Hall
12 Ryan Mills

First in method: 5.

LONDON, Holborn Viaduct, St Sepulchre without Newgate,
Sat 5th November 2016 in 3h29 (28-2-16)
5040 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1152 each Ariel Surprise, Phobos Surprise, Zanussi Surprise; 864 Deimos Alliance; 576 Glazgow Little Surprise; 144 Lynx Differential; 119 changes of method; all the work for all 12 bells.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Mark R Eccleston
2 John N Hughes-D'Aeth
3 Stephen A Coaker
4 Katherine L Town
5 Iain J Anderson
6 Andrew J Graham (C)
7 Neil Buswell
8 Graham M Bradshaw
9 Simon A Bond
10 Robin O Hall
11 Oliver D Cross
12 Paul L Carless

Rung on the morning of the Society's 379th Anniversary Dinner.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sat 19th November 2016 in 1h22 (31-0-23)
2016 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Michael A Williams
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Elizabeth C Frye
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Ryan Mills
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Cameron A Waters
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Stephen M Jones
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 8th January 2017 in 3h29 (31-0-23)
5088 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m)
1824 Zanussi; 1728 Bristol; 1536 Cambridge.82 com; atw.
Comp. R O Hall & M B Davies

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Jeremy R Pratt
4 Elizabeth C Frye
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Simon A Bond
8 Ryan Mills
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Colin M Lee
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark A Bell

First of Maximus: 6. First of Spliced Maximus for the Society, by a local band, and for 2, 8, 9, 11. Circled the tower: 7. With the Society's best wishes to Christopher and Marianne Waterhouse as they leave their respective positions as Vergers at Christ Church and Magdalen to move to St James Institute in Sydney, Australia.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th February 2017 in 54 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Michael A Williams
2 Harriet J M A Armitage
3 James C Marchbank
4 D Robert C Sworder
5 Simon D Roberts
6 S L Catrin Morgan
7 Cameron A Waters
8 James R A Dann
9 J James G Morgan
10 Luke O Camden
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Michael O'Hagan

On Society Dinner Weekend. First in method: 2. First with place bells 4, 0, 9 & 3: 6. Can still ring big bells (take note, Glint): 12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 21st May 2017 in 59 mins (31-0-23)
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1 Janet E Carless
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 Elizabeth C Frye
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Cameron A Waters
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Douglas J Beaumont
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 Stephen M Jones
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Simon A Bond

First in the method: 5. Strong and stable: 12. With thanks to Janet, Doug, and Katherine for completing the band.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th June 2017 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Michele Winter
2 Colin M Turner
3 Patricia M Newton
4 Stuart F Gibson
5 Simon A Bond
6 Katherine A Stonham (C)
7 Emma Stanford
8 Robert H Newton
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Stephen M Jones
11 Mark A Bell
12 Jonathan Cresshull

1st in method: 7. 1st on 12 as conductor. Rung to congratulate Courtney Spoerer and Hannah Guggiari on their engagement.

LONDON, Cath Ch of S Paul,
Sun 6th August 2017 in 4h16 (61-2-12)
5138 Ariel Surprise Maximus
Comp. P N Mounsey

1 Thomas B Mack
2 Paul N Mounsey (C)
3 Christopher J Poole
4 Claire F Roulstone
5 Simon A Bond
6 James H Foster
7 Mark A Bell
8 Colin M Lee
9 Andrew J Graham
10 Ian Roulstone
11 Nicholas D Brown
12 John N Hughes-D'Aeth

Circled tower: 4 Rung during the marathon races for the IAAF World Championships. The route of the race passed the Cathedral.

LUNDY ISLAND, The Barn, Bristol Channel
Sun 10th December 2017 in 50 mins (11 in G)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Mark R Eccleston
7-8 Stephen M Jones
9-10 Oliver D Cross
11-12 Robin O Hall (C)

First on twelve handbells: 1-2. Celebrating the first 40 years of Michael Williams.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 21st January 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Emma Stanford
2 Cameron A Waters
3 Hannah Guggiari
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 Stuart F Gibson
8 Christopher J Backhouse
9 Michael O'Hagan
10 Luke O Camden
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Jonathan Cresshull

All twelve members of this band rang their first quarter peal of Bristol Maximus on these bells. The band is placed from most recent (June 2017) on the treble to least recent (June 2006) on the tenor. We would like to associate Jenny Lane, Courtney Spoerer and Harriet Armitage, who also qualify for this band, with this performance. 200th together: 9 & 11.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 4th February 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michael A Williams
3 Simon A Bond
4 Robin O Hall (C)
5 Alan M Eyles
6 Emma Stanford
7 Joanna E Knight
8 Katherine A Stonham
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Jonathan Cresshull

First of Bristol Surprise Maximus: 5.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th March 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Jeremy R Pratt
3 David A Jackson
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
6 Michael A Williams
7 Alan M Eyles
8 David S Phillips
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Michael O'Hagan
12 Simon A Bond

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 29th April 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Simon A Bond
3 Elizabeth C Frye
4 Matthew A Child
5 Cameron A Waters
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Joanna E Knight
8 Mark D Tarrant
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Robin O Hall (C)
12 Mark A Bell

Remember Denmark in 1992. If Guildford goes the way of Yugoslavia, we're ready.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 6th May 2018 in 1h1 (31-0-23)
1488 Phobos Surprise Maximus

1 David A Jackson
2 Michele Winter
3 Stephen M Jones
4 Cameron A Waters
5 Hazel M Rothera
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 David L Thomas
8 Emma Stanford
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Robin O Hall

First in method: 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11. Boltorelegocampanophobia: the irrational fear of Bolton being relegated while you're ringing a quarter peal.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 20th May 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron A Waters
4 Hannah Guggiari
5 Megan A Bardsley
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Matthew A Child
8 Oliver P Bardsley
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Robin O Hall

Got wood: 12.

PORTSMOUTH, Cath Ch of S Thomas of Canterbury, Hants
Sat 16th June 2018 in 3h23 (25-2-0)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (4m)
1344 Avon D, 1296 each Bristol S, Zanussi S, 1104 Phobos S, 84 com, atw.
Comp. A G Reading

1 Roy LeMarechal
2 Stephanie J Warboys
3 Tessa K Simpson
4 David E House
5 Benjamin J Carey
6 Simon A Bond
7 George M Salter
8 John S Warboys (C)
9 R Mark Esbester
10 Robin O Hall
11 Edward P D Colliss
12 Richard H Burton

A compliment to the Very Reverend David Brindley, Dean of Portsmouth since 2002, on his retirement last Sunday.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 17th June 2018 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Joanna E Knight
2 Robin O Hall
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Charlotte Everett
5 David S Phillips
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Isobel L Fray
8 Simon L Edwards
9 Richard H Youdale
10 Alan M Eyles
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Simon A Bond

First in method: 7.

BIRMINGHAM, S Martin, W Mids
Tue 26th June 2018 in 3h28 (39-1-19)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. David G Hull (No 15)

1 Stephanie J Warboys
2 Paul E Bibilo
3 Mark R Eccleston
4 Dickon R Love
5 Simon J L Linford (C)
6 James Clatworthy
7 David A C Matthews
8 David J Baverstock
9 Simon A Bond
10 Julia R Cater
11 Roy LeMarechal
12 Paul J Tiebout

After meeting short for a 14 bell peal

GUILDFORD, Cath Ch of Holy Spirit, Surrey
Sat 21st July 2018 in 3h25 (30-1-10)
5016 Spliced Maximus (6m)
1056 Ariel Surprise, Phobos Surprise, Zanussi Surprise; 880 Maypole Alliance; 792 Deimos Alliance; 176 Slinky Differential Little Treble Place; 109 com; atw.
Comp. D J Pipe

1 Anthea S Edwards
2 Jonathan A Agg
3 Elizabeth A Orme
4 Julian O Howes
5 Simon A Bond
6 George M Salter (C)
7 Andrew J Graham
8 Colin F Salter
9 Samuel M Austin
10 Colin G Newman
11 Philip M Orme
12 Richard H Burton

First with the society and first of spliced maximus: 4.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 5th August 2018 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Michele Winter
3 David A Jackson
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Alan M Eyles
6 David S Phillips
7 Joanna E Knight
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 Stuart F Gibson
10 Simon A Bond
11 Colin G Newman
12 Robin O Hall

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 2nd September 2018 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Michele Winter
2 Sophie L Martin
3 David A Jackson
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Alan M Eyles
6 David L Thomas
7 Craig M Robertson
8 Emma Stanford
9 David S Phillips
10 Joanna E Knight
11 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
12 Simon A Bond

First of Maximus: 7. First of Surprise Maximus: 2. Rung to celebrate the installation of the new Succentor, the Reverend Philippa White.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 23rd September 2018 in 48 mins (14 in C#)
1296 Kent Treble Bob Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

First on 12 handbells: 9-10 & 11-12.

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 3rd November 2018 in 3h30 (32-1-6)
5010 Spliced Maximus (5m)
1682 Avon Delight; 1632 Bristol Surprise, Zanussi Surprise; 32 Bandersnatch Little Treble Place, Frumious Little Treble Place; 32 com
Comp. C J Poole

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Alex F Byrne (C)
3 David C Brown
4 Christopher J Poole
5 Phillip R J Barnes
6 Simon A Bond
7 W Nigel G Herriott
8 Henry D Coggill
9 James C Marchbank
10 Martin J Cansdale
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 Mark A Bell

The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! We left it dead, and with its head We went galumphing back to the pub. On ASCY dinner day. Frumious Little Treble Place: -129T.58.149T-1258-16-129T-189T-12-10 (1568374029ET) Bandersnatch Little Treble Place: -12-10-129T-189T-12-16-129T-149T (1086423579ET)

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 18th November 2018 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Cameron White-Spunner
4 Courtney J Spoerer
5 Hannah Guggiari
6 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Craig M Robertson
9 David A Jackson
10 Michael A Williams
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Joanna E Knight

A compliment to William “Bill” Lewis, a custodian at Christ Church for many years, on his retirement.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 27th January 2019 in 51 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Gingell

First of Surprise Maximus in hand: 7-8, 11-12.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 24th February 2019 in 49 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Gingell

Most dungarees for all.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 3rd March 2019 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Simon A Bond
4 Cameron A Waters
5 Dorothy G Hall
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Michael O Esbester
8 Adam D Rebick
9 Christopher I Griggs (C)
10 Robin O Hall
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Mark D Tarrant

First of Maximus: 8 and as conductor. 100th together: 3 & 6.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 31st March 2019 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Rebecca Gingell
4 Simon A Bond (C)
5 Claire L Pearson
6 David C Ockwell
7 Adam D Rebick
8 David S Phillips
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Jonathan Cresshull

Believed not to be first in method: 6. Dedicated to mothers everywhere, especially Alan's.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 31st March 2019 in 49 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Gingell

For Mothering Sunday.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th April 2019 in 57 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Michael A Williams
2 Michael O'Hagan
3 Michele Winter
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Katherine A Stonham
6 Helen V Bond
7 Simon A Bond
8 Joanna E Knight
9 Simon L Edwards
10 Robin O Hall
11 Alan M Eyles (C)
12 Jonathan Cresshull

First of Maximus: 6, and as conductor. Congratulations to Hannah and Courtney!

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 14th April 2019 in 3h31 (31-0-23)
5040 Spliced Surprise Maximus (4m)
1728 Zanussi; 1584 Bristol; 864 Cambridge, Yorkshire; 75 com; atw.
Comp. R O Hall & M B Davies

1 Bernard J Stone
2 David A Jackson
3 Hazel M Rothera
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Robin O Hall (C)
6 Alan M Eyles
7 Colin M Lee
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Mark D Tarrant
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Simon A Bond

Belated farewell compliment to David Jackson with thanks for a wonderfully committed contribution to the Society's ringing during his all-too-brief spell in Oxford. First Spliced Maximus: 2, 3, 6, 9, 11.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 28th April 2019 in 3h2 (14 in C#)
5088 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D J Pipe

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Gingell

First on 12 in hand: 1-2, 11-12. First of Bristol Surprise Maximus: 11-12. First of Surprise Maximus in hand: 7-8, 9-10. First of Maximus as conductor. First on 12 in hand for the Society. First in the house. Rung at the first attempt. First of Bristol Surprise Maximus in hand by a Sunday service band outside of Cambridge.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 19th May 2019 in 53 mins (31-0-23)
1298 Spliced Maximus (4m)
528 Bristol Surprise, Zanussi Surprise; 154 Mercury Differential Little Place; 88 Crayford Little Bob; 43 changes of method, all the work.

1 Elizabeth C Frye
2 Mark A Bell
3 Cameron A Waters
4 Hazel M Rothera
5 Rebecca Gingell
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Robin O Hall (C)
8 J Chapman Knott
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Simon A Bond

First Cyclic Maximus: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, and by a local band. Mercury Differential Little Place Maximus: lh 1T

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 16th June 2019 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Yorkshire Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Robin O Hall
3 J Chapman Knott
4 Charlotte Everett
5 Dorothy G Hall
6 Helen V Bond
7 Craig M Robertson
8 Jonathan Cresshull (C)
9 Emma Stanford
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Simon A Bond
12 Joanna E Knight

50th quarter peal and first in method: 6 In anticipation of the wedding of Richard Puckey and Caroline Barton, sister of Dorothy Hall.

LONDON, Lower Thames Street, St Magnus the Martyr,
Sat 31st August 2019 in 3h31 (26-3-9)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. J N Hughes-D'Aeth

1 Jeremy R Pratt
2 Christopher I Griggs
3 Alan M Eyles
4 Alexander T G Pym
5 Jillian E Parker
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Robin O Hall
8 Cameron A Waters (C)
9 Joanna E Knight
10 Simon A Bond
11 Mark D Tarrant
12 Jonathan Cresshull

A compliment to Jonathan for his significant birthday. With best wishes to Bernard for a quick recovery, and thanks to Chris for standing in at short notice. First 12 bell peal as conductor.

LONDON, Cornhill, S Michael,
Sat 2nd November 2019 in 3h30 (32-1-6)
5040 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (6m)
864 each Andromeda S, Avon D, Orion S; 816 each Bristol S, Rigel S, Strathclyde S; 94 com, atw.
Comp. J S Warboys

1 Lucy A Warren
2 Katherine L Town
3 David C Brown
4 Simon A Bond
5 Alan G Reading (C)
6 Richard B Pullin
7 David J Dearnley
8 Graham G Firman
9 Graham M Bradshaw
10 Alistair A F Smith
11 Paul N Mounsey
12 John N Hughes-D'Aeth

Rung on the morning of the Society's 382nd Anniversary Dinner.

LONDON, Cath Ch of S Paul,
Sat 2nd November 2019 in 1h7 (61-2-12)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Stephen A Coaker
2 Robert W Lee
3 Oliver C Bates
4 Richard B Pullin
5 Simon A Bond
6 Harm Jan A de Kok
7 David G Maynard (C)
8 Philip Rogers
9 Andrew M Hills
10 Roy LeMarechal
11 Robert C Kippin
12 Andrew P F Bradford

Rung for Evensong on the day of the Society's 382nd Anniversary Dinner.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 2nd February 2020 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Craig M Robertson
2 Elizabeth A Barnes
3 Simon A Bond
4 Matthew R Johnson
5 Cameron White-Spunner
6 Claire L Pearson
7 Isobel L Fray
8 Adam D Rebick
9 David S Phillips (C)
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Jonathan C Mills
12 D Robert C Sworder

Rung for OUS dinner weekend. First on twelve as conductor.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 1st March 2020 in 52 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Simon A Bond (C)
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Hazel M Rothera
4 Joanna E Knight
5 Elizabeth C Frye
6 Dorothy G Hall
7 David L Thomas
8 Jonathan C Mills
9 Christopher I Griggs
10 Mark D Tarrant
11 Jonathan Cresshull
12 Colin M Lee

Special thanks to Dorothy for stepping in some time after the last minute after one member of the band was last seen sinking into the Thames.

Fri 12th June 2020 in 1h9
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Simon A Bond
2 Elizabeth A Barnes
3 Craig P Homewood
4 Katharine J Firman
5 Simon A Rudd
6 Graham G Firman
7 David C Brown
8 Andrew P Deamer
9 Phillip R J Barnes (C)
10 Mark B Davies
11 Nicholas D Brown
12 Alex F Byrne

The first quarter peal of Maximus on this platform by twelve ringers. Rung with simulated sound and keyboard control.

Sun 14th June 2020 in 1h6
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Elizabeth A Barnes
2 Simon A Bond
3 Katharine J Firman
4 Matthew A Child
5 Craig P Homewood
6 Graham G Firman
7 Anna E Sherwood
8 Andrew P Deamer
9 Phillip R J Barnes
10 Mark B Davies
11 Julian O Howes (C)
12 Alex F Byrne

Sun 7th February 2021 in 57 mins
1320 Little Bob Maximus

1-2 Craig M Robertson
3-4 Adam D Rebick
5-6 David L Thomas (C)
7-8 Simon A Bond
9-10 Ben White-Horne
11-12 Michele Winter

First on 12: 9-10. First on 12 in hand: 3-4. Rung for OUS Dinner Weekend.

Mon 8th February 2021 in 58 mins
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Stephen M Jones
9-10 Mark A Bell (C)
11-12 J Chapman Knott

800th quarter peal and first of Zanussi in hand: 1-2 First of Surprise Maximus in hand: 11-12

Mon 22nd February 2021 in 57 mins
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Gingell

First Zanussi in hand: 11-12.

OXFORD, 90 Barracks Lane, Oxon
Fri 9th April 2021 in 50 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

Marking the life of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

OXFORD, 90 Barracks Lane, Oxon
Mon 19th April 2021 in 51 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

OXFORD, 52 Hutchcomb Road, Oxon
Sun 25th April 2021 in 3h4 (14 in C#)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. J N Hughes-D'Aeth

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

By a Sunday service band to mark the 10th anniversary of the first local band peal of Bristol Surprise Maximus in Oxford. First on 12 in hand: 11-12. First outside: 1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. First outside in hand: 3-4. First in a hat: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8. Greatest temperature change during a peal for all. With grateful thanks to Steve Jones for his involvement and support.

OXFORD, 90 Barracks Lane, Oxon
Mon 10th May 2021 in 54 mins (14 in C#)
1440 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

Birthday compliments to Barbara Bell. First of Zanussi on real handbells for all except 5-6. Last outside for a while?

LITTLEMORE, 4 Marlborough Close, Oxon
Mon 17th May 2021 in 47 mins (14 in C#)
1250 Zanussi Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

Congratulations to Joanna Knight and Jonathan Cresshull on their engagement. First inside for a while.

OXFORD, 52 Hutchcomb Road, Oxon
Mon 24th May 2021 in 48 mins (14 in C#)
1250 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m)
914 Zanussi, 336 Bristol; 10 com

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

Welcoming Dorothy's bees: BZZBZZ Sending our salutations to the composer, currently mid-Atlantic:

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 7th June 2021 in 48 mins (14 in C#)
1250 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m)
914 Zanussi, 336 Bristol; 10 com

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Wed 28th July 2021 in 52 mins (14 in C#)
1328 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m)
1296 Phobos, 32 Lizzicles Little; 3 com.

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Robin O Hall
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Elizabeth C Frye (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

In memory of David Henry, ringer at Trinity, Wall Street. Lizzicles Little Surprise Maximus: x3x4x2x34 le12.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 31st October 2021 in 58 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Simon A Bond
3 Alan M Eyles
4 Jonathan Cresshull
5 J Chapman Knott
6 Dorothy G Hall
7 Simon L Edwards
8 Jonathan C Mills
9 Christopher I Griggs (C)
10 Robin O Hall
11 Joanna E Knight
12 Mark D Tarrant

200th together: 2 & 9.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Thu 9th December 2021 in 51 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Elizabeth C Frye
3-4 Simon A Bond
5-6 Robin O Hall
7-8 Stephen M Jones (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

An engagement compliment to Nick Hartley and Emma Stanford.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Tue 15th February 2022 in 48 mins (14 in C#)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Robin O Hall
7-8 Stephen M Jones (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 28th February 2022 in 51 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Stephen M Jones
3-4 Simon A Bond
5-6 Elizabeth C Frye
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Knott

OXFORD, 90 Barracks Lane, Oxon
Sun 8th May 2022 in 48 mins (14 in C#)
1296 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Robin O Hall
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Gingell
11-12 J Chapman Knott

Sat 27th August 2022 in 3h36 (35-1-14)
5040 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. D G Hull (No. 15)

1 Ryan S Noble
2 Susan L Apter
3 William T Bosworth
4 Adam A Brady
5 Robin O Hall
6 Simon A Bond (C)
7 David F Perkins
8 Stephen A Coaker
9 Jonathan Cresshull
10 Andrew M Hills
11 Andrew P F Bradford
12 Robert W Lee

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 2nd October 2022 in 3h28 (31-0-23)
5138 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. R O Hall

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Phillip R J Barnes
3 Alan M Eyles
4 John P W Taylor
5 Janet E Archibald
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 J Chapman Tone
8 Stuart F Gibson
9 David L Thomas
10 Jack E Page
11 Mark A Bell
12 Simon A Bond

EVESHAM, The Bell Tower, Worcs
Sat 8th October 2022 in 3h43 (35-2-20)
5136 Bristol Surprise Maximus
Comp. S A Bond

1 Michael A Williams
2 Christopher J Poole
3 Alan M Eyles
4 Stephen M Jones
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Cameron White-Spunner
7 David L Thomas
8 Christopher I Griggs
9 Joanna E Cresshull
10 Jonathan Cresshull
11 Colin M Lee
12 Robin O Hall

First on twelve: 6.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 16th October 2022 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1346 Cambridge Surprise Maximus

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Alan M Eyles
3 Michele Winter
4 Isobel L Fray
5 Josie M Godfrey
6 Katherine A Stonham
7 Craig M Robertson
8 David C Ockwell
9 Jonathan C Mills
10 Robin O Hall (C)
11 Simon A Bond
12 Janet E Archibald

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 24th April 2023 in 50 mins (14 in C#)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Rebecca Tone
11-12 Robin O Hall

In loving memory of Bernard James Evans (Simon’s grandfather), 29 July 1934 - 8 April 2023, and Dorothy Dale (Lizzie’s grandmother), 26 May 1931 - 20 April 2023.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 14th September 2023 in 56 mins (31-0-23)
1330 Spliced Maximus (3m)
1298 Cambridge Surprise, 24 Little Bob, 8 Crayford Little Bob; 2 com.

1 Bernard J Stone
2 Craig M Robertson
3 Michele Winter
4 David C Ockwell
5 Katherine A Stonham
6 Stuart F Gibson
7 Peter W Spain
8 Alan M Eyles
9 David L Thomas
10 Jonathan C Mills
11 Simon A Bond (C)
12 Christopher I Griggs

First of Surprise Maximus and first of Maximus on tower bells: 7. A 30th birthday compliment to Craig "Shakira" Robertson. Thanks to Katherine for making the dash down Abingdon Road when one of our band, who should have cycled, found herself stranded on the Oxford Ring Road.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 30th October 2023 in 50 mins (14 in C#)
1298 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

First of Avon in hand: 1-2, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12. Celebrating Sidney Tone's first birthday.

LONDON, S Giles without Cripplegate, Gr Lon
Sat 4th November 2023 in 3h22 (34-0-6)
5042 Spliced Treble Dodging Maximus (4m)
1296 Bristol Surprise, Phobos Surprise, Zanussi Surprise; 1154 Avon Delight; 54 com; atw.
Comp. A G Reading

1 Michael A Williams
2 Simon A Bond
3 Susan L Apter
4 Martin J Cansdale (C)
5 Ryan S Noble
6 Leigh D G Simpson
7 Andrew M Hills
8 Colin G Newman
9 Alex F Byrne
10 Robin O Hall
11 Mark A Bell
12 James C Marchbank

On the day of the Society's 386th Anniversary Dinner.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 6th November 2023 in 53 mins (14 in C#)
1298 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 Rebecca Tone

First of Avon (first blows claim kiboshed by phone call): 11-12

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 4th December 2023 in 1h17 (14 in C#)
2064 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

Mulling over new positions: 3-4 & 5-6.

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Sun 7th January 2024 in 3h30 (31-0-23)
5042 Cambridge Surprise Maximus
Comp. R J Angrave

1 Simon A Bond
2 Elizabeth C Frye
3 Hazel M Rothera
4 Janet E Archibald
5 David L Thomas
6 Christopher I Griggs
7 David C Ockwell
8 Jonathan C Mills
9 Joanna E Cresshull
10 Alan M Eyles
11 Robin O Hall (C)
12 Jonathan Cresshull

OXFORD, Cath Ch of Christ, Oxon
Thu 22nd February 2024 in 55 mins (31-0-23)
1344 Bristol Surprise Maximus

1 Jonathan C Mills
2 Jonathan Cresshull
3 Hazel M Rothera
4 Katherine A Stonham
5 Peter W Spain
6 Robin O Hall (C)
7 Janet E Archibald
8 Christopher M Mundy
9 David L Thomas
10 Christopher I Griggs
11 Alan M Eyles
12 Simon A Bond

Remembering Andrew Johnson (1966-2024). First Bristol Maximus: 5.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Tue 27th February 2024 in 1h16 (14 in C#)
2064 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Tue 5th March 2024 in 55 mins (14 in C#)
1442 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

With the band’s congratulations to Tessa and Leigh Simpson on the birth of Chloe Ella, and to Jenny Lane and Rupert Littlewood on the birth of a son. 6/7 - 7/7

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Mon 25th March 2024 in 57 mins (14 in C#)
1442 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

Prior to hot cross bun tasting.

LITTLEMORE, 18 Heyford Hill Lane, Oxon
Sun 14th April 2024 in 1h16 (14 in C#)
2064 Avon Delight Maximus

1-2 Simon A Bond
3-4 Elizabeth C Frye
5-6 Stephen M Jones
7-8 Mark A Bell (C)
9-10 Robin O Hall
11-12 J Chapman Tone

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