Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 5040 changes in 1 peals and 0 quarter peals

MARCHAM, All Saints, Oxon
Mon 26th May 2014 in 2h38 (8-1-4)
5040 Spliced Surprise Minor (18m)
(1) London, Wells (2) Lincoln, Coldstream (3) Westminster, Allendale (4) York, Durham (5) Beverley, Berwick, Surfleet, Hexham (6) Norfolk, Primrose, Hull (7) Ipswich, Bourne, Cambridge.

1 Wilfred J M Lewis
2 Nicholas J Hartley
3 Matthew R Johnson
4 Rosalind F Roberts
5 Simon A Bond (C)
6 Michael O'Hagan

First spliced: 3 & 4. Most methods: 2. Rung in memory of Paul Robertson, friend and labmate of 4, who always seemed to enjoy her ramblings about bells.

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