Simon Bond's Ringing Records

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Total 1330 changes in 0 peals and 1 quarter peals

OXFORD, Carfax Tower, Oxon
Thu 8th March 2018 in 46 mins (15-0-22)
1330 Spliced Minor (9m)
610 Berwick S, Hexham S, Millennial A, Primrose S; 720 Bourne S, Cambridge S, Hull S, Ipswich S, Norfolk S, Primrose S.

1 Helen V Bond
2 Elizabeth C Frye
3 Katherine A Stonham
4 Joanna E Knight
5 Mark D Tarrant
6 Simon A Bond (C)

By a band of 30 year olds placed in age order. First as a 30 year old: 1. Probably last as a 30 year old: 6. Most minor methods: 2. Millennial A: -3-4-2-3-4.5 le 16

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