PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 17th February 2002 (8-2-6) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Simon A Bond 2 Robert V Criddle 3 Philip G Wilson 4 Victor H Criddle 5 Ashley B Wilson (C) 6 Elizabeth Wilson In memory of HRH Princess Margaret. First Quarter: 1 |
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 31st March 2002 (8-2-6) 1309 Doubles (2m) 600 Plain Bob, 709 Grandsire 1 Simon A Bond 2 Brian J Ellis 3 James Ellis 4 Philip G Wilson 5 Ashley B Wilson (C) 6 Elizabeth Wilson Half-muffled in memory of HM Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother. | ||
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 2nd June 2002 (8-2-6) 1350 Doubles (2m) 720 Plain Bob, 630 Grandsire 1 Simon A Bond 2 Robert V Criddle 3 Philip G Wilson 4 Victor H Criddle 5 Ashley B Wilson (C) 6 Elizabeth Wilson To Celebrate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. |
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 2nd March 2003 (8-2-6) 1300 Plain Bob Doubles 1 John M Ascroft 2 Philip G Wilson 3 Robert V Criddle 4 Simon A Bond 5 Ashley B Wilson (C) 6 Victor H Criddle For Evensong. First Inside: 4. | ||
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sat 20th November 2004 (8-2-6) 1260 Grandsire Triples 1 Ken E Jagger 2 Barbara D Murray 3 Simon A Bond 4 Philip Tidswell 5 Frank N G Anderton 6 Robert V Criddle 7 Jean Barnes (C) 8 Richard Palmer |
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 19th December 2004 in 39 mins (8-2-6) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Phillip D Bond 2 John M Ascroft 3 Victor H Criddle 4 Richard Palmer 5 Simon A Bond (C) 6 Jacob A Vart 1st Quarter: 1, 6. 1st as Conductor. For the Carol Service and Nine Lessons. | ||
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Thu 3rd February 2005 in 39 mins (8-2-6) 1274 Cambridge Surprise Minor 1 Philip G Wilson 2 Simon A Bond 3 Ken E Jagger 4 Michael Smethurst 5 Jeffrey D Simcox 6 Ashley B Wilson (C) First Surprise: 2. First Surprise Minor as C |
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 6th February 2005 in 39 mins (8-2-6) 1280 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Phillip D Bond 2 John M Ascroft 3 Robert V Criddle 4 Victor H Criddle 5 Simon A Bond (C) 6 Jacob A Vart For Evensong and as a 15th birthday compliment to the treble ringer. | ||
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 3rd April 2005 in 40 mins (8-2-6) 1260 Plain Bob Doubles 1 Jacob A Vart 2 John M Ascroft 3 Robert V Criddle 4 Victor H Criddle 5 Simon A Bond (C) 6 Phillip D Bond Rung open to celebrate the life and ministry of Pope John Paul II. 1st away from tenor: 1 1st away from treble: 6 |
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 25th September 2005 in 37 mins (8-2-6) 1299 Grandsire Doubles 1 Jacob A Vart 2 John M Ascroft 3 Robert V Criddle 4 Victor H Criddle 5 Simon A Bond (C) 6 Phillip D Bond A farewell compliment to Robert Criddle and Simon Bond on their depature to University. First Grandsire as C. | ||
PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Thu 26th July 2007 in 37 mins (8-2-6) 1260 Plain Bob Minor 1 John M Ascroft 2 Phillip D Bond 3 Victor H Criddle 4 Ashley B Wilson 5 Robert V Criddle 6 Simon A Bond (C) First of minor and first inside: 2. With the conductor's condolences to those underwater in Oxford. |
LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATION PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 23rd September 2007 in 2h54 (8-2-6) 5056 Plain Bob Major Comp. J R Pritchard 1 Ashley B Wilson 2 Elizabeth G Turner 3 Jan Reeves 4 Jean Barnes 5 John M Ascroft 6 Frank N G Anderton 7 Robert V Criddle 8 Simon A Bond (C) The 100th Peal Rung in the Tower. First Peal: 3. First Peal as Conductor. | ||
LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATION PENWORTHAM, S Mary, Lancs Sun 1st July 2012 in 2h43 (8-2-6) 5040 Grandsire Triples Comp. J J Parker (12-part, 7th obs) 1 Jeffery J Bailey 2 Steven P Kelly 3 Anne E Bailey 4 Robert V Criddle 5 W John Couperthwaite 6 Jeffrey D Simcox 7 Simon A Bond (C) 8 Philip G Wilson By a band of current and former Penwortham ringers in celebration of 300 years of ringing at St Mary's. Also welcoming Rebecca Crowe to the curacy following her ordination yesterday at Blackburn Cathedral. ABR : RUDHALL CAST US ALL ANNO DOM. 1712 |